Chapter 1

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"Zombie" by The Cranberries

"Beep... beep... beep"

"Ten more minutes" I groged out to my alarm clock. Eventually pulling myself out of bed as my chocolate pit-bull Max looked up at me and then laid back down. I did the morning ritual shower, make up, and hair.

As I began to walk down the stairs with Max hot on my heels I'm greeted with the wonderful smell of momma's homemade pancakes and healthy smoothies. "Sweet, thanks mom!" I said running to give mom a kiss on the cheek. Her long brown hair getting in the way so I got a mouthful of it.

"Oh baby girl, you know you don't need to thank me, I'm your momma it's my job to keep you young-ins fed" Malinda said in her southern accent.

"Yeah mom we go through this every morning I get up for work." I replied, while shoving a forkful of pancakes in my mouth.

"Well it is my job as a mother to feed you kids, since your father worked all night babysitting for those no good teens down the hall." Mom said with a scowl of distaste on her face.

It's what he does to help get my siblings through school and to make sure we don't have to live on the streets. Instead we live in a cooped up apartment with my parents in one room, my twin brother Luke in a room with my baby brother Alexander, and I'm in a room with my little sister Cassandra, and Alexander's twin Alexandra.

All of us get our own companions so we aren't ever feeling lonely. Of course I have a chocolate pit-bull named Max, Luke has a bearded dragon named Jake, Cassandra has a ferret named Urik, Alexander has a toad named Beans after the one in Cheaper by the Dozen, and Alexandra has a bunny named Thumper like the one in Bambi.

We all even look sort of alike, except Cassandra, she has bright red hair and glowing green eyes, she's the milk mans baby. Of course Luke and me look alike, brown hair, brown eyes and some freckles on our nose, he's just taller by a little and I have acne. The twins are exact replicas with blonde hair and baby blue eyes.

"GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!" Luke shouts coming out of his room.

"Would you shut the hell up I'm enjoying my pancakes and smoothie you goon." I shout at him, just as momma gasps.

"Young lady, that's not how we talk! Apologize right now!" She yelled at me fuming, her green eyes now looking a little red.

"Sorry," I mumbled losing my appetite, but I'll take my smoothie for the road.

"It's ok baby." Luke calls my by my nickname.

"Come on Max it's time for work!" I hook his leash to his halter and grab my coat to leave the apartment complex. Instantly were greeted by the cold winter, I put the back of my hand down on the ground to see if it's too cold and I pull out some socks to put on Max so his feet don't get cold and put them on.

As we walk to the shelter a man comes out of an alley with a nice suit on and luxurious brown hair that I want to rub my fingers through. Before I know it he's walking towards me and Max starts to growl, apparently not liking this man. "Max hush" I try to calm him by petting behind his ear and he lays down.

"Excuse me ma'am but I could help but notice you, I have seen you come here for a couple weeks now helping these people get to to their feet, id like to offer you a pill-" I cut him off before he could continue.

"I'm sorry sir but I'm not a pill popper nor do I take drugs from strangers." I made it clear that I didn't want what he was offering.

"Oh but ma'am these aren't just any pills, they aren't drugs per say." He pursed his lips trying to find the right words to say, it was a little cute to watch him. "They help more than they damage." He told me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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