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It's 4 am aizawa was asleep and Hawks was still awake holding dabi close to him well laying in his lap

Why don't you rest little one? Says hizashi driving to Ua as recovery girl only agreed to work there since all her supplies are there

I'm not tired says hawks obviously tired

Don't worry me and shota are heros we'll protect you

I don't trust heros that much especially not with Tou....I only agreed because Tou said Oro was nice said hawks in a quite voice trying to prevent hizashi from hearing him

Hizashi was expecting that, but the way he cared about his friend broke him alot

When hizashi finally arrived he looked at the backseats only to find hawks asleep

Hey shota wake up hizashi said attempting to wake aizawa up

Mhm alright aizawa said while getting up

Aizawa was visibly tired but still pushed threw and proceeded to carry hawks while hizashi carried Dabi

As Aizawa lifted hawks up he could now see his bruised body visibly he stopped on his tracks shocked examining Hawks he had bruises that covered his face all the way down to his leg then looked at dabi that looked even worse with burns and bandages covering his body he looked at hizashi who also was shocked

As they proceeded to walk into the building they could feel stares at the children from the heros in the building some where sympathetic some looked disgusted Never the less every one of them knew about who the kids were

As Aizawa and hizashi finally reached the nurses room they stopped to knock

Hey is anyone here? hizashi asked

Come in! recovery girl shouted from inside

When they walked in recovery girl looked horrified as she saw the children in their arms

put them on the beds! recovery girl commanded

Aizawa and hizashi did as they where told to and recovery girl grabbed her tools as she started checking on them starting with hawks

He had Bad bruises around his legs and wings And some burns on his feathers Not to mention some of his feathers being missing

And then she checked dabi who was in a worse state he had burns all over his body and his legs and arm were covered by cuts that looked awfully similar to Eris cuts

After an hour of waiting Recovery girl came out of the room wanting to talk to hizashi as he was more responsible when it came to children

The room was filled with silence

Hawks is around 9 Years old and Dabi is 6 presuming he's younger then him recovery girl cut the silence

Mic was pained to know they were this young he wished they just looked young

Anything worse than the bruises? Hizashi asked

Yes....Dabi had Cuts and dots all over his body his blood pressure was incredibly low his body is also suspiciously cold

And hawks had missing feathers and a swollen ankle

Mhm...a childs voice echoed through the room

It was dabi he was waking up As they stood quite

He was processing where he was And then a look of panic covered his face
He started slowly backing away until he reached the edge and was about to fall but a scarf captured him in time as Aizawa walked in

Dabi was panicking even more at the tight space surrounding him he started crying and pleading to be let go or not be touched shocking all three adults

Aizawa put dabi down Still shocked While Dabi ran back stumbling a bit to hawks' side kie-san W-wake u-up he pleaded

Hawks soon woke up only to be shocked with dabi's crying
T-touya!? Hawks exclaimed loudly making Touya flinch violently and cry harder

W-what happened!? why are you crying? he then jumped of the bed and turned his attention to the adults and started glaring,his glare bought chills down their spines and it made Touya back away from him Sobbing and crying harder

I-i'm Sorry I-i won't r-run ne-next time Touya said between sobs as hawks bought his attention back to Touya softening his gaze at the position Touya was in

His hands were gripping his hair and he was shaking Intensively

Hey, Tou can you see me? it's kiego alright, no ujiko

Touya heard him and put his hands down Still holding himself tight k-kie?

Yep! And as soon as he said this word Touya Ran to his side and clung to him, he was light that it didn't bother kiego instead he just hugged him

Aizawa on the otherside was concerned he didn't know what to do so he called the one person he knew who knew about children "Todoroki Fuyumi" he had met her through Shoto and liked her teaching methods
They trade teaching plans every once in a while

Touya soon fell unconscious in kiegos arms and kiegos wings were covering Them protectively Where are we! He whisper-yelled not to wake his friend up

Your in UA little listener mic responded

UA? as in the hero school? Kiego said eying The adults

Yeah! Hizashi said

We have to bring them to the dorms aizawa informed

Why did call someone? Hizashi asked

Yeah I called Shotos sister, she knows a thing or two about children aizawa said

Shoto? Kiego asks confused

Just a student, anyways all the siblings will be there aizawa stated

All three? Isn't that to overwhelming? Hizashi asks

Yeah, but it's our best shot to get them calm so yeah aizawa said while opening the door

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