Need help finding a story

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Hi guys!!!

Hope you all are doing well!! Today's chapter is to ask for your help in finding a story.

I actually read it long time back and can't get it out of my head. Unfortunately I didn't add it to my library & now it seems impossible to find it. It's basically desi romance ( I am not sure if it's stand alone or part of short stories).

Rough summary of plot- the main protagonist ( male) is some sort of leader. He married a girl from rival clan as some sort of revenge/ deal.
Both characters are muslim. They eventually fall in love.
There is a plot twist of girl assuming he is cheating. Eventually she changes him. So during the story she isn't allowed to meet her parents at all. At the end he tries to re connect her with her family.

Lol i know this is not very helpful but if you guys know anything similar pleaseeeeee let me know!!!

Thank youu

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