Chapter 5 (Jason's P.O.V)

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"Come on James, we're gonna be late," I yelled.

"I'm coming, keep your pants on," he mumbled.

I grabbed my school bag and stuffed a few notebooks, pens and pencils in it then grabbed my watch and phone.

"James!" I shouted again running down the stairs.

"You know, we have a lot of cars right?" James said walking out of his room closing the door behind him.

"Yes, but its more conservative to carpool, plus mom wants us to," I said grabbing the keys to the BMW.

"Whatever," he mumbled.

Getting into the car, I threw my bag on the back seat.

"Why do you get to drive?" James whined.

"Cause its my car," I said as we pulled out of the garage.

It took some time to reach the main gate, mainly because our house was like a villa, a very large villa.

After Fred opened the gate, I sped off to school. It takes almost a hour to get there since we don't exactly live in the neighborhood.

As a result we leave around 6:40 or 7 to reach school at 8:15, granted school starts at 8:30. I checked the time in front of me, it was 7:05.

James stretched forward and began to fumble with the radio.

"What's wrong with this radio," he said, frustrated.

"Nothing, you just can't use it," I said smugly.

He glared at me then gave up and pulled out his iPhone.


We arrived at 8:25, I pulled into school and quickly got out after grabbing my bag.


I wasn't the one who called him. In case you don't know, James is popular, he plays football and everyone loves him. Me, on the other hand, people don't really like me. I don't know why, but they don't hide it. I look exactly like James except for our haircuts, but there's just something about me I guess.

"See ya bro," James said getting out.

I locked the car and walked to class, not bothering to go to my locker. Walking into my homeroom, I sit in my usual seat.

If you're wondering, yes I had friends, but not close friends. James and Brad are my closest friends.

"Sorry," I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked up and saw Belle apologizing to Tiana. Tiana wasn't the nicest girl in our school but she was the best at everything or so it seemed.

"Watch it Blonde bitch!" she said loudly.

"Um, I didn't mean to...."

"Why are you talking to me?" she asked cutting her off.

Belle stopped talking and stared at her, confused. "Should I answer?"

"I'll tell you wha..."

She was interrupted by Mr Morgan entering and clearing his throat signalling his presence.

She frowned and went to her seat, leaving Belle.

"Who are you?" Mr Morgan asked turning to Belle.

"Uh, I'm Isabelle," she said lowly, "I'm new."

"Of course, you're my new student," he said grimly, "Come on in you can take any empty seat you want."

She gave him a light smile then looked around, there were only 2 empty seats, one beside me and one at the back where the soccer freaks were.

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