❣️❤️A Happy Ever After❤️❣️

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Disclaimer: Most of the characters are from the CDrama series Falling Into Your Smile.

Tong Yao arrived at the Lu Group Companies HQ and walked straight to the private elevator that will take her up to Sicheng's office. She was planning a surprise 4th year anniversary get away for just the two of them. No baby, family and most of all no meddling friends allowed! Sicheng is not even aware that he was going to get kidnapped! She has been working with his assistant for weeks now to make this surprise happen. His schedule has been cleared for the weekend and everything has been arranged and little Xiang has been safely delivered to the Tong grandparents since the Lu grandparents are currently on a trip abroad. This is actually a two part surprise. It's an anniversary celebration as well as a secret reveal!

When Tong Yao got to the top floor and tru the double doors of Sicheng's office, she was met by his ever efficient assistant, Mr. Chui. He has been working with Mama Lu before he was promoted as Assistant to the CEO.

"Ma'am, the boss' meeting will be ending on time so he will be here soon. The helicopter is already on standby at the helipad. And your luggages are on their way to the beach house."

"Thank you so much for all your help! Otherwise I would not have been able to pull this off!" Tong Yao replied.

"Anytime! He has been working really hard these past few months so he deserves a break!" said Mr. Chui.

Just as he finished speaking, the doors opened and Sicheng walks in looking gorgeous in his tailor made three piece pin stripped suit. His eyes widen as he sees Tong Yao.

"Well! This is a very pleasant surprise!" He says as he quickens his steps to get to where Tong Yao was standing.

She smiles widely at him and opens her arms to hug him tight and allowing him to kiss her on the lips.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what are you doing here?" Sicheng asks.

"I'm here to kidnap you for the weekend!" Tong Yao exclaims with a wink then she cups his face between her hands and kiss him deeply.

"Oh really?!" He syas with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes really! Now move your butt or we are going to be late!" pushing him towards the door.

Sicheng laughs as he lets her lead the way.

Unable to curb his curiosity, he asks, "Where are we going exactly?"

"Just relax! You'll find out soon enough!" Tong Yao says mischievously.

With his hand in hers, Tong Yao continued to dragged him towards the elevator where Mr. Chui was waiting. She pushed him in then pressed the button that would take them up to the roof top. At this, Sicheng gave her a querying glance but remained quiet since she had a smirk on her face.

When they reached the roof top and the elevator doors opened, one of Sicheng's eyebrows skyrocketed, he said "Ok, now you've really piqued my interest! Where are we going in that?!" pointing at the helicopter at the same time. He is so surprised because Tong Yao very rarely does anything frivolous, and this is definitely very frivolous in her vocabulary.

Holding out her hands, Tong Yao said, "I know you're puzzled but just get in already so we can get this show on the road!" Sicheng had no choice but to help her up into the helicopter (more like carried her into it since you know, she has short legs! 😊)

Once they were buckled in securely, the pilot took off. Tong Yao, who is not used to flying in helicopters, kept a very tight grip on Sicheng's hand. Knowing she was trying to be brave about flying for the sake whatever it is she planned, he kissed her on the forehead and then wrapped an arm around her to hug her to his side.

LOVE... at a glance ❤️ A "Falling into your Smile" fanfic Where stories live. Discover now