C h a p t e r - 1

64 2 12

Quickly changing the ages

Eda- 16

Lily- 18

Courtney- 17

Eda's POV

I was looking around the park, blasting my favourite song ___ (if you are eda or know her, tell me what song she would listen to) on repeat. The words my parents had said after our most recent fight ran around my head.

"Eda darling- you need someone to stay with".

"You know perfectly well why we don't have this conversation with your sister".

"Find someone. Please"

I had ran out after that line. Just because lily was aro/ace meant that suddenly my parents are interested in my love life. If I came back into that house without a friend, they wouldn't allow me back in. Not like I was going to want to go back, but I didn't want to stay homeless either. I looked around for someone, since this place would typically be full of people, but today it was close to empty. A smoker and a few children were there. I groaned in defeat and turned around back into my house. On the path back, there is a small forest. I took my chances and looked around. There was a girl that looked around my age on their phone. I took a deep breath in, walked to her and tapped her shoulder.

~1 year later~

"Courtney! I told you! Don't call me that." I called out.

"Why not calamity? It suits you."

It's been a year since the night i had last got yelled at. I had moved in with Courtney and sometimes we ended up flirting. I denied if i liked her, but whenever she called me-that- i ended up blushed. Not like a tomato-but blushing. I questioned that when she wasn't around, and it was almost like she liked me as well. But who cares.

~The next day~

"Hey Courtney- we ran out of- "

I had just woke up with my hair a complete mess and immediately got attacked by Courtney. Attacked isn't the right word actually. She slipped and accidentally grabbed me by the waist pulling our faces closer. I felt myself turning red and her ears started to turn red as well. I felt weird, yet comfortable. I hoped i was right and leaned in for a light kiss. She seemed surprised yet didn't pull out. After a few seconds of this she pulled back, feeling the cold air on my lips once again. She looked at me and walked back to the kitchen counter where she buried her face in her arms. I just stood there, wanting to get something out of my mouth but my mind went blank. This awkward silence went on for most of the day. She had an excuse to leave the house to get groceries. I didn't object, hoping i could have small breakdown without her worrying. I hated it whenever people would worry about me. It made me feel weak- and lily was the only one to see me in such a state. And it would certainly stay that way. 1 person was more than enough.

I went into Courtney's room and decided to roam around her clothes. I found this sweater with a few patches and small snake on it. I put it on and smirked.

This jacket is mine and she's not allowed it back

I thought. I thought she might decide to leave after what happened this morning and therefore got ready. I Smiled in delight and yet back into my room to scroll around my photos with only her in it.

~an hour later~

I heard the door unlock and jolted up. She couldn't know I had her sweater, but I was on the couch and that's one of the first things you see when you enter. I hid, hoping she would pass by, but instead she came over and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey- calamity. Can we talk."

I turned over and saw her brown haired drapping onto my face. Her eyes filled with a small tint. I felt awkward yet I stood up and sat back where I should have been sitting.

~1 year later~

"Today we celebrate our 1-year anniversary!" I cried out with a wine glass in hand." Hooray Miss Clawthorne!" "Hooray Miss Take "(FORESHADDDOOWIINGG) it had been 2 years since I had fought with my parents. 2 years since I had met Courtney. 1 Year since we had been together that one day. Courtney had told me to do nothing drastic for our anniversary, but she knew me well enough I wouldn't listen. I had a small present for her that was worth millions! Well not really- only a few hundred of dollars but it didn't matter. We had climbed so many mountains and explored so many countries that I wanted to get something special. Something very special. "Hey mind waiting in my room. I got something for you." I told her." Hey calamity. I told you! Just a small dinner!" I got her in and went to get her gift. It was a little necklace with a photo of one of our adventures. I smiled looking at it. I got in the room and saw something I wish I didn't see.


It wasn't Courtney.

Can I tell everyone how PAINFUL it was to write this. Not only cause it was fluff~ BUT CAUSE OF COURTNEY. Yell at me all you want. I will join you. I Thought~imagine its raine. Imagine its raine. But I knew it was Courtney. With that out of the way- here are the current ages for everyone





One quick mention-has called raine he SO MANY has called raine a he SO MANY TIMES it aggravates me. She apologised each time tho. Anyways that's all.


Word count- 940 words


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