...to you walking in on them crying (dating)

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Draco Malfoy

Today has been particularly shitty. Somehow, it seems everything that could go wrong, went wrong. I failed a quiz, I hurt myself during Quidditch practice, Potter was incredibly irritating today and I didn't even get to see Y/N today. On top of that, I got a lovely letter from my father so I now feel like an over all piece of garbage.

I rush to my dorm as soon as I can, just wanting to be away from all the idiots in this school and be alone for a while. I'm so tired of everyone.

I get to my dorm and shut it tightly. I change into some comfortable clothes - blue sweatpants and hoodie - and flop down on my bed. I sort of just lay there for a while before I just start crying. I don't even know why - maybe it's because my arm is still throbbing from pain from practice, maybe it's because the harsh words of my father's letter are still bouncing around my brain, maybe there's no reason at all - but everything has just been a lot lately and I'm overwhelmed. And it just seems like everything is awful and there is literally nothing good in the world, so what am I even doing? Trying to please a family that I resent? What's the point.

By this point, I am crying hard. It may be embarrassing and "girly" of me to cry, but whatever. I don't do it often but damn, it feels good when I do. That is, it feels good after I finish crying. Right now I just want the world to burn and stop existing.

A soft knock on my dorm door causes me to quickly wipe away my tears and attempt to compose myself, even though I know my eyes and face are red and puffy. But it's worth the effort.

The door is eased open and Y/N pokes her head in the room. I know she can tell something is wrong, just from the look on her face. 

"Hey, Dray...I didn't see you at all today. Are you alright?" She says softly, stepping in the room and closing the door behind her. She's also changed into comfortable clothes - plaid pyjama pants and a black tank top. I don't think about how good she looks in those clothes.

I nod. "Yep. Yes, today was fine. I'm fine." I lie, avoiding Y/N's gaze.

She narrows her eyes at me before softening her gaze and sitting next to me on my bed. "It's ok if you were feeling shitty and having a good cry, you know." She places her hand on my forearm. I've never really had comfort like this, ever. So that consoling touch breaks me. I start sobbing on Y/N's shoulder. She just wraps her arms around my back. 

Y/N adjusts the both of us so that she's laying on her side, and I'm sort of curled into her chest. The tears are still steadily flowing, but I feel better. Safer. I know for a fact that Y/N would not hesitate to ruin anyone who hurt me. I would never ask her to do that, but I know she would. For some reason, that fact is incredibly comforting.

Blaise Zabini:

Sometimes, after a really tough day, I just want to curl up into a little ball and not do anything; not think, not breath, nothing. Unfortunately, there are a couple things I need to stay alive for, so I guess I'm stuck feeling shitty.

I finally escape to my dorm and shut the door tightly with a slow exhale. I shut my eyes. Maybe I'll just sleep. I slowly slide down the wall to the floor and tuck in my knees. I rest my head against the wall too. I'm not sleeping, but it's quiet and my mind is finally calm. I think this is the closest thing I'll get to peace right now.

A couple of tears slip down my cheeks. I'm not a very expressive person, even when it comes to crying. For me, crying is just a few drops of water coming out of my eyes, rolling down my face. This only happens when I feel awful, of course.

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