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(Kuroko's point of view)

I woke up feeling the rays of sun beeming on my face. The warmth of the body next to mine radiating from him onto me. I lifted my head from his arm which I have been using for a pillow for the last couple days. I ran a hand through my hair tring not to wake up Kagami since today I was planning to suprise him with a special breackfast as a Thanks for helping cheering me up form yesterdays disaster. I carefully pried myself from his loving grip and quietly walked put of the room andheaded for the kitchen to see what ingredients I needed to shop for and to check if the package was where I left it and undisturbed .

After taking a quick look and making a mental list of the things I needed, I headed back into the room for my jacket and stood for a couple seconds just glancing at my sleeping lover. His face peaceful and calm, I had to admit very sexy but thats besides the point I made my way to the store and rapidly came back and started on a quick meal hoping that Kagami wouldn't wake up before I was done with this 'oh so very special' breakfast if you know what I mean. I had planned a special dessert I was pretty sure he was going to enjoy

Once I was done with the main course I ate my share and placed the special part of the dessert in the bathroom for quick access and a hidding it just in case. I wouldn't want ruin the eliment of suprise. After placing the package in the bathroom I went into the bedroom me and Kagami have been charing, and to my surprise he was awake and sitting up with a confused look on his face.

"Kagami-kun its time for your breakfast " I tried to explain to him that I would be getting ready for today as we walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He seemed to understand but he gave me a suspicious look at which I smiled reassuringly. He turned and began to eat the large pile of food I had left for him. I took that as my signal to get ready for the special dessert I had prepared for him in the bathroom.

Taking one last glance at Kagami I entered the bathroom and signed this was the first time I did something like this and it was enbarrassing. I had asked Akashi the-know-it-all what I could do to thank kagami with. he suggested I give myself up to him in a appealing way. Akashi even went to the trouble as to sending my the stuff necessary for the Dessert I was giving Kagami. I opened the packa
ge and io read the note he left meas to how to put the ropes and costume on by myself. I blushed and took off my clothes and placed them in the hamper . As quickly as I could I placed the costume in its proper position. they seemed to fit perfectly which now that I think about it is very troubling.

I heard a cluttering noise in the kitchen signaling that kagami was done eating and it was now or never."Kagami please sit back down I have prepared dessert for you!!" as I walked out of the bathroom I could hear the chair screeching against the floor. i steadily walked to the kitchen beginning to regret my decision but I pressed on there was no turning back now.

Using my misdirection I walked into the kitchen. I placed a cherry in my mouth and just about as I was going to sit on the table, I looked over at Kagami who was turned over to the bathroom expecting me to come out of it. I let myself smirk and laid myself on the table my legs spread out on front of Kagami who was still turned around.

I took a deep breath and started to speak with the cherry still on my lips "Kagami-kun your d-des..sert is served" I saw him jump at my word just now noting my presence.

"Kuroko!! I told you not to sne-" he was unable to finish his sentence, his eyes wide from shock did face a deep crimson which just do happened to match him hair. "Kuroko wha-"After he processed what I was doing a smirk grew wide across his face similar to the one he has on when he plays against a really strong opponent. I felt the heat rush up to my face telling me I was at least blushing. He looked into my eyes with lust and hungery hidden in them .

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