pilgrim island

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As I bounced along strone across gajeel's muscular shoulders I looked around and tried to take in the scenery of the island .

It was covered in large mountains jurting out at random places in the island and he rest of the island was covered in large feilds filled with pineapple plants or what was left of them. most of the plants were either burnt to a crisp or stomped flat.

Gajeel skidded to a stop my head come down bombpimg him right on his butt " oww you got buns of steel down here" I laughed rubbing my head he chuckled with a smirk proud of his rock hard butt "why'd you stop?" "we're here" he explained putting me down with a plop

the doorman in front of the mansion looked at us with a questionable look. I picked myself up and dusted myself of" "hi! Im (y/n) (l/n) and this is gajeel redfox " I said pointing my thumb over my shoulder to the dragon slayer who towers behind me with his arms crossed over his chest.

the doorman looked worrily at me I reassured him with a smile "we are fairy tail wizards we came about your fire salamander problem" " oh then come follow me please" he said and then led us inside.

He led us through the buetiful manision with marble white walls and floors decorated with all sorts of silver and gold pineapples.

we walked up the large stair case that came led to the second floor and into a large lounge room with a big fish tank along the far wall. " The master will be right with you" the door man stated as he closed the door.

I threw myself into one the giant comfy chairs near the coffee table in the middle of the room while gajeel tapped at the pirhannas in the fish tank.

I was relaxing when I heard a loud crack I jump up "Shit , gajeel really ?!" he cracked the fish tank and water was leaking out but he was calmly sitting in a chair near me and acting like nothing happend .
using my water dragon slayer magic I cleanded up the water and made a barrier for it so it would stop leaking .

A small shaky voice came from the door the doorman went out of " hello , you are the fairy tail wizards right ?" I looked over to see a little blonde boy around 5 in a fancy suit aww so cute i thought
" are you lost little boy i asked crouching down to look him in the eyes " no , you are the fairy tail wizards are you not ? I own this plantation my name is caleb" "what! so young!!" I shout " look ( y/n) finally found a boyfriend her height!!"gajeel chuckled "shut it gajeel!!" "so how'd you come to own this plantation ?" I ask
"well my mommy passed away while having me and daddy got real sick about 2 months ago and we didnt have any other relatives " the plantation owner started to cry I pulled him into a hug "shhh its ok , caleb" he snuggled into my chest

the little brat stuck his tounge out at me as he snuggled into my (y/n)'s chest!!!wait what did I just think?!

Caleb pulled away from my hug "thank you" he sniffled wiping his tears . " sure thing sweetie" I said smiling kindly and patting his head
" the monster usually comes out at night so we will have you guys put in a room facing the plantation" caleb stated " please follow my doorman joffery "

The same door man came and escorted us to our SHARED ROOM?! I walked in our room and saw one queen sized bed

"wait there must be a mistake ?!" I shouted but the doorman already left with a slam of the door.
gajeel already sprawled himself over more then half the bed and began to make himself comfy "ugh great " I said face palming.

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