38. Finally Exposed

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

{Kazan age 5}

Timeline: before Naruto part 1

~~~January 6~~~

(Obito POV)

As soon as Swirly told me that Kazan was looking for me and that it was urgent, I immediately flew off of my bed and warped straight into the room where I sensed his chakra.

"What happened?! Are you ok?!"

He looked at me with his regular poker face, a slight bit of annoyance evident in his eyes.

"What are you? Takeshi number two?

Calm down you damn drama king. I'm fine."

This puzzled me.

"Swirly said you called for me and that it was an emergency.

I thought you got hurt or something."

In that moment his poker face was taken over by an expression of sheer annoyance.

"That was NOT the message I gave him.

I just said for you to come over as quickly as possible when you're done with work because I have something to tell you.

Not urgent but...important. You'd definitely nag at me for hours on end if I didn't tell you immediately."

My eyes instantly narrowed down on him.

"Did you do something stupid?

Are you in trouble?

I swear to Rikudo if you punched Takeshi again I'm going to take away your reading privileges for a week."

"Why would you immediately assume that I did something bad?" he asked.

"Because you're a mini replica of Madara.

You're short tempered, violent and you act childishly at the worst possible times." I answer plainly.

"Look behind you, idiot!"

And with that he was done with the conversation.

My eyebrow twitched but upon hearing footsteps behind me I turned around and once I caught sight of the person behind me I froze.

Was this a dream? If so, don't ever wake me up.

There she stood, right in front of me. Wide awake, staring at me with those mesmerizing chocolate brown orbs. Her matching hair flowing so elegantly down her shoulders as a radiant smile graced her features.

That smile that made butterflies in my stomach. The one that made me melt. Made my heart rate multiply by 100 each passing second I saw it. The same smile I thought I'd never see again.


I felt my lip quivering as tears of pure joy silently streamed down my face.

I tried wiping them away but they just kept flowing and as I did, I felt her arms wrap around me pulling me into her warm embrace. Her scent filled my nostrils, and her warm touch sent a feeling of calmness all throughout my body.

"Obito." she spoke softly, her voice as smooth as silk.

Taking in the sound of her voice and the warmth of her touch I relaxed into the hug.

"You're awake. You're finally awake."

(Kazan POV)

I've never seen Aniki this happy before.

I'm 1000% positive that Kuro's complaints about him skipping out on missions in the future wasn't even in his line of thought right now. He was too overjoyed to be thinking about that.

After a while Konan came over per Aniki's request to give Rin Onee-chan a check-up.

Once the check-up was done she told us that everything was perfectly fine because of the Sanbi's healing properties and Onee-chan was healthy and strong enough to immediately go about a normal life.

Just as I expected, Aniki took the next few days off, firmly denying Kuro's constant arguments that he had to go on missions. The bastard wasn't happy at all and each time he lost the argument he glared at me.


Because he knew I was the reason Onee-chan woke up.

He didn't hesitate to pass this information on to Ojiisan but with no proof that I actually did anything, he didn't believe a word Kuro said.

What the two faced bastard didn't know was that a day before I woke Onee-chan I also I had also warned Ojiisan about him being untrustworthy.

Lately I had noticed that Kuro wasn't around much and upon asking Aniki if he had received any spy missions from Ojiisan his reply was "none that I know of since Madara usually assigns us our tasks together first thing in the morning".

So I used a layer of Indra's Daikokutenjin to completely cover the presence of one of my clones as well as make it invisible to the naked eye before sending it to tail Kuro.

It turns out that Kuro was regularly conversing with Danzo Shimura of Konohagakure's council to have the ROOT Anbu completely wipe out all remaining members of the Uchiha clan because and I quote "they are a nuisance to his plans and cannot continue to exist".

Knowing that they weren't that big of a threat against Project Tsuki no Me it was obvious that he was talking about some other plans. Plans he kept secret from Ojiisan.

And with that one little detail now exposed Ojiisan's trust in Kuro was wavering.

He would be much more wary of the shadow-style bastard now and most likely pick up a lot more wrong with him than I could. After all he was much more observant than me.

So my work was done.

Or at least the first portion of it.

All that was left now was to somehow get Ojiisan to abandon Project Tuski no Me.

He no longer trusts Kuro so all I have to do now is show him that the plan can't be trusted either.

Now for the big question.

'How exactly am I going to do that?' 

a Young Genius (Naruto's twin brother) an INSANE GENIUS book 1Where stories live. Discover now