Chapter 29

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It was as if all the puzzle pieces were starting to form a cohesive picture in my head. Everything was coming together as it was meant to all along.

I was one of the foretold Gray Jedi my people had written about all those years ago. A true force wielder according to their legends.

One that embraced the written law that attachments strengthened a users ability to wield and channel the force through all living things. For a stronger bond with individuals around you fueled the natural flow of the force. Cascading into a much deeper and more powerful bond.

Parts of me had already embraced those pieces of my people. By allowing myself to form deep and meaning connects with Rex, Echo, Fives and the rest of the 501st I started to awaken pieces of that ancient gift.

However I knew that with clone force 99 it blossomed into something greater. They became something more then just brothers to me. They became apart of me. Part of who I was now. Part of who I was becoming.

And the maker he became apart of my soul. And by extension my being. The powerful connection I had made with him was rooted deep within me now. Latched onto my very essence. And I to his. As the force always meant for it to be.

All the pieces were fitting together and that explained my visions. My personal connection to Crosshair was because of where I came from. And though we were not so close, I still sensed his struggles. Felt and experienced it so vividly as if I was right there next to him. Living through it along side him.

We had left an imprint on one another without even realizing it. Something I had done with every individual that I had gotten to know and cared for. As I left a mark on them, they in return left a meaningful mark onto me.

For some, like the clones, it was stronger. More impactful. Their tales and woes had a feverish hold on me. The courage, Valor, bravery, and strength they shared with each other was a rare commodity to find and I admired them for it. And in turn they opened up to me. Letting me see their true selfs and bringing me into their brotherhood. It was an experience and a time I would never get again. And one I would treasure for eons to come.

"Come to the end of your search you have". I focused my eye-line back to Master Yoda. A new revelation still turning in my head. His force ghost shined with a new brightness to it. As if I could finally see him as he truly was meant to be seen.

"I-I have?"

He nodded gently. "Let go of what you can not control you have done and accept what is. Proven to yourself that you were meant for this all along". And maybe he—no, he was right.

I had been meant for this. Staring at me in the face this whole time. I just needed to see it with my own sight to understand it. To know it to be the truth.

"Let the force flow freely through you now, you may. Understand that this is the path that was meant for you along. Just needed to accept it you did".

I finally took a deep breath in and out and closed my eyes. Then I let go of everything I could not and never would be to control and welcomed whatever the force had in store for me.

Suddenly like I had been in a haze before, the fog was clearing away and I could see clearly for the first time. Something wrapped around my limbs, climbing up me to latch itself on. Everything felt new. Richer. Brighter. Vivider. And yet at the same time, familiar.

It was like the flood gates had been opened. The clearing of dark rainy sky after a perfect storm. The clouds parting for the emerging dawn of a new day.

And the sensations all around and within me felt more intense. Like I was being hit with wave upon wave of pure raw feelings and emotions. All encompassing, but in a good way. In the way it was meant to be for-filled all this time. Emerging Light at the end of a gray fuzzy tunnel.

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