It'll be perfect after all

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Four couldn't sleep.

He'd been trying to settle down for hours, but something was playing on his mind enough to keep him awake, something relating to Three.

Despite being corrupted Four could remember Threes entire speech, the raw emotion and the genuineness of it shook the meme guardian to his core, the final admission of friendship being the thing to snap him out of the corruption entirely.

But Four couldn't stop thinking about that admission, friends... were they really friends? Or was Three only saying that because he felt forced to?

With a groan Four tossed his blanket off and rolled out of bed, heading to Threes room, he needed answers or his brain would never shut up about it.
Admittedly he felt a little bad about possibly waking the other meme guardian up, but upon arriving at his room Four realised the light was on, Three was still awake.

Taking a moment to calm himself down, Four gently knocked on the door, a quiet "Come in." Being heard from the other side.
Slowly Four opened the door and peeked in, spotting Three sat up in bed idly petting Eggdog.

Upon noticing Four, Threes eyes widened and he averted his gaze, a blush forming on his cheeks.
"Oh hey Four, you need something?" He asked with a nervous chuckle, looking at anything but the other meme guardian.

"I just had something to ask you." Was Fours response, causing the other to raise an eyebrow and gesture for him to come over.

"Oh, uh ok." Three said as Four walked over, moving over so the other could sit down, still avoiding eye contact. "What was it?"

"Back in the castle when you said we were friends... did you really mean that?"

The question caught Three off guard and he was silent for a moment as he tried to come up with a response, he could just deny it, pretend he never said anything... but the look on Fours face caused him to falter, letting out a sigh.

"Yes, but there was more to it..." Three admitted, fiddling with his gloves as Four tilted his head, confusion and curiosity evident in his gaze.

"Really? Then how did you mean it exactly?" Four asked, which only caused Threes blush to grow darker. "I mean that... that I... ugh this is harder than it looks-" Three groaned, taking a deep breath to compose himself.

"I meant that we're friends... but I like you in the more than friends way... I love you." The meme guardian said, letting out a relieved exhale at finally getting the confession off his chest, but Fours silence was worrying.

"Uh Four, you good?" Three asked, daring to glance up at the other, shocked when he saw that Fours eyes were welling up with tears. "Oh god! I'm sorry I didn't mean to weird you out, I just thought-!" The sentence was cut off as suddenly Three was pulled into a kiss, which, as soon as the shock wore off, he quickly returned.

After a few moments the two pulled away, resting their foreheads together and softly panting until Four broke the silence.

"I love you to..." He murmured softly, cuddling up to Threes side as the other embraced him. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" he asked as Three let out a chuckle and nodded, draping the blanket over the two of them and pressing a kiss to Fours forehead.

"Yes, I'd love to be your boyfriend."

It'll be perfect after allWhere stories live. Discover now