Kit and Inanis(Monster!AU concepts)

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Cinna and I have grown the Vampire AU concept so much now there are SO many hermits and original characters mixed up into it /pos

So I wanted to share some art i did for this AU's versions of Kit and Inanis!

So I wanted to share some art i did for this AU's versions of Kit and Inanis!

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Inanis (da baby) is a ghost child <3/p

Unsure of when they died, but has always stayed with Solis(more info on them later). Until Xisuma(also more info on them later) stepped in and decided to take the child to Vampra.

Abilities: go through walls(obviously-), possession, haunting nonsense, can likely see most other ghosts and spirits

Downsides: Soul is attached to a doll created by the AU's Solis. The farther away Inanis is from the doll, the less tangible he is to the physical world. Looks like a small child and his mind is likely kinda stuck as a kid. Very clingy. Show them any form of affection and he's glued to your side. Very blunt with his words and has no sense of awareness XD


Then we have Kit

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Then we have Kit. Where her Avisin form goes absolutely insane. In the good timeline she is mostly in her half human form and is able to semi control herself, while in the bad one she is fully a carnivorous bird monster thats been driven to insanity. (*huggie*)

Abilities: can turn into a huge bird monster depending on emotions/fear

Downsides: the usual Avisin downsides but now is a huge carnivore bird that will eat anything- (she hates it)

Both versions of Kit get help from their respective Vampra's and/or Doc's of their universes. With the good timeline Kit actually getting help, and the bad one getting abused and gaslighted into doing peoples dirty work because they're literally a massive killer bird.

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