A Dragon's Weakness

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 The damp ground beneath me made the grass more slippery as I approached the growling dragon, it's nostrils flaring in anger.

 "You hurt my kingdom," I calmly say to it. "You hurt my people. You made them fear going out of their own houses. Sins like that do not go unpunished."

 The dragon bared it's white fangs at me, hoping to startle me. It did not."George, don't do this!" A woman with a red silk dress shouted. My love. I slowly turned to her, giving her a hint of sympathy in my eyes.

 "It's the only way. This has to stop, and it's got to happen now." I face the dragon once again, it now in a pouncing pose. I stood my ground. I could hear faint weeping from behind, but I did not turn to look. Giving the dragon a menacing glare, I straddled my white horse, who didn't seem to be frightened by the foul creature. I pat it's neck with the pride my horse was showing, as he angrily stomped his hooves onto the ground, kicking dirt up from under him, breathing heavily. I kicked my horse's side, and we charged at the dragon, head-on.

 The dragon was a swift fellow, maneuvering the first head-on strike towards him, roaring at us, making the birds flee from the trees in fright. I growled, clenching my teeth, deciding to charge at the black-scaled creature once more. I could feel my horse's body tense up as I ordered it to charge at the dragon another time, but finally obeyed. The dragon did not dodge this time, but only to spew fire from it's mouth, hitting my horse's front leg.

 Soon, smoke filled the air, giving an ashy taste in my mouth, troubling my vision. The stench of burnt flesh overwhelmed my nostrils, making me cough, distracting me long enough for the dragon to sweep its powerful tail under my horse's feet, making my horse lose his balance as he toppled to the ground, giving the dragon the upper hand. The dragon charged at me, and I had just enough time to pull out my sword, extending it towards the quick blur of black, until it had stopped, jolting my arm backwards as I could clearly see the dragon, now face-to-face with it. It had impaled itself. The dragon was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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