Info about Daiki

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Name: Daiki Sakamaki

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Name: Daiki Sakamaki



Height:5'5(he is kanato's height lol)


Blood type:O+

Family: Mother-dead, Father-MIA, older brother-MIA

Looks: White hair, blue ocean eyes with a tiny hint of purple mixed in, usually wears over sized or the Sakamaki's clothes. He also has a tattoo on his leg that says all of his husbands names. Daiki usually wears some makeup or some dresses(please don't hate on me for this, he just feels comfortable in women's clothes but he doesn't wear them all the time only on special occasions)

Personality:Calm, sweet, caring, innocent, he has trust issues so he doesn't trust/like new people he just met. He barely hates on anyone and if he does hate you, then you fucked up. He does get angry when you either hurt his husbands or insult his friends/family. Mostly just a sweet person.

Likes:His husbands, stuffed animals, baking, cleaning, animals, Karl(as a father figure), Shu's cuddles, Reiji's headpats(he only does headpats when Daiki does something good or if he asked), Ayato talking about his day, Kanato's tea party's, Latio sweet words, Subaru's hugs/kisses, Karl and him having a picnic (only on special times or to catch up), music, dancing.

Dislikes:Yui(reasons why in the story), fan girls(mostly because they are loud) Thunder(loud), Anything loud(he has sensitive ears), mean people(dued to being bullied in his past for wearing female clothes), bullies, people hurting animals.

Relationships with everyone:

Shu: They care for each other and usually cuddles. Shu is very overprotective of him(all of them are, Karl in more of a son-in-law way)

Reiji:Daiki usually makes tea for Reiji and they spend their time reading.

Ayato:They joke around a lot and actually have the most fun out of everyone(but he loves everyone the same).

Kanato:Daiki makes sweets for their tea party and makes some outfits for teddy/kanato's other plushies. Knows how to calm down Kanato(and everyone)

Latio:Latio usually flirts and sometimes Daiki doesn't get it, sometimes he does. He loves Latio no matter what tho.

Subaru: They spend time in the garden, just having the best time talking about stuff that had happened to them throughout the day.

Karl:They care for each other like a father does to his son. They usually have picnics once every month to catch up and have fun.

Backstory: Will be included later(mostly because I don't have an idea right now)

Fears:Loud noises, spiders, being left alone.

Mental disorders: OCD,Anorexia(recovering), PTSD, Attachment issues.

Yes I know people make books like this making the oc innocent and sweet. Mine is gonna be different because I'm starting in the middle of the story and not the beginning. Please don't mind the grammar mistakes I type pretty fast so I mess up words, but I'll do my best to fix them.

Chapters will be around 700+ words long. If they are shorter(it's either because I'm busy or something is going on tho life) Hope you enjoy this story.

Diabolik lovers belong to Seiko Nagatsu and Daiki is my oc.

There will be two chapters every week(on different days) so please don't ask for me to make more chapters. I'm saying this because I'm making them long, but if I was doing short chapters then they will be more uploading but they are long. Thank you for reading this and the first chapter will be uploading tomorrow around 5.

Enjoy my sunshines and love ya, be safe and pm if you have a request for my alltake stories (which I'm continuing)

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