꧁Chapter six꧂

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Addison and Dextian made it back to the school campus garage. She pulled into her car spot that she knows for the past few quarters. She put the car in park and sighed as she leaned her head against the head rest behind her.

"Is everything okay Addi?" Dextian asks noticing how stressed out she is. She takes the keys out of the ignition and holds them in her lap as she thinks of an answer. To herself she feels vulnerable. And she hates feeling that way around other people. For reasons she's not ready to explain just yet.

"Yeah, I'm fine. There's just a lot on my mind right now. That's all." Addison replies softly as she unlocks the doors of the vehicle and gets out, walking to the back of the Volkswagen and pops the truck open from the bottom of the latch. She grabs the bags of items she bought, and Dextian gets out of the passenger, putting something in his pocket and helps her.

They walk across the campus to the dormitories and apartments. The make it to her building and walk in the front door and head to the elevators. Addison presses the up button and the third elevator rings with a up arrow shining a light. The metal door slides open and the two walk in as Addi presses the button for her floor.

A few moments of silence go by, and Addi's demeanor doesn't seem to be changing. And it's got Dextian slightly concerned. "I don't want to upset you with another question but are you sure there's nothing that's got you upset?" Dextian spoke as he leans against the wall that sat at a right angle to the wall that Addi was resting on.

"Fine, if it has you that curious." Addison sighs as she undoes the little hair tie in the back letting her hair fall delicately against the rest of her long hair. "I got a message from my dad out of the blue saying that their having a family dinner expected in the next few weeks. And I'm expected to attend. Even if I don't want to, I don't have a say in the matter." Addi sighs out as her floor comes up and the door slides open letting them off.

They walk down the hallway and make it to Addi's room and go inside as Addi sets the fabrics on the counter. "And is it such a bad thing that you need to attend? Isn't spending time with family a good thing for people?" Dextian questions as Addi leans against the counter, feeling more stressed than she did before.

"You wouldn't understand why I don't want to go to this. And I'm not really willing to share it with you either because I don't really know you." Addison counters as she turns away, heading for her room.

"Then get to know me. I can't help out if I don't understand. And I want to understand you."

"Why? Why do you want to understand me? There are so many more people out there that would interest you more than I would. Why chose me Dextian?" Addison asks frantically, curious as to why Dextian would be so intrigued with her.

"Because I feel a sense of pull towards you Addi. I don't know why, but I felt the same pull when I was in the Bondsman Orb. And I want to know why." Dextian counters as Addi lets out a heavy breath that's been weighing on her.

"Well, I'm a normal average girl. I don't understand why you'd feel a pull to someone like me." Addison recoils as she seems very distracted from something else that she can't focus on anything else.

"Maybe we can figure that out together. If we're willing to help each other. Sound like a plan that we can agree on?" Dextian suggests as Addi arches a brow in curiosity and interest.

"I don't know. Maybe that could work. I'm not sure. Right now, I have some work to do that's due in the next couple of weeks, so do what you want, I'll be in my room." Addison spoke as she turned on her heels and walked back to her room.

꧁The Orb꧂Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang