Chicken wings

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Beep beep beep beep
Five more minutes
Beep beep beep beep beep beep
Leave me alone
Beep beep beep beep beep
"Oh for fu- just shut up will you" smash, my alarm hits the wall shattering on the floor.
"I don't wanna go to work, ughhhh." Same routine everyday, same annoying people, same dull city.
"I need two wraps, three leches, and five french toasties."
"Coming up Rick." Working at the dinner is slow, always slow. The food isn't special and the restaurant is old school. In fact the food truck across the street has better food than this place. The only reason why this place gets so many customers is because it is located directly across from the Pro Hero Hawk's agency. And that said hero occasionally stops by for lunch.
"Hey Hawks, how's it going?"
"Not bad Rick, business been good?"
"With you around, always."
"Omg it's Hawks."
"I told you he'd be here."
"Is Ash in today?"
"Yep working in the kitchen like always."
No, don't do this to me Rick.
"Great mind if I go say hello?"
"Not at all, need to break that girl outta her shell."
It's their shell you asshole. The swinging doors burst open for dramatic affect.
"Well if it isn't my favorite chief. And how are you this fine afternoon?" Chicken legs rests his elbows on the edge of the counter.
"You want Cyanide or Methanol in your smoothie?"
"Hmm, I'll take Methanol, faster death. So what you got planned after your shift?"
"A bird free afternoon."
"Aww come on, you can tell me. After your shift you just disappear and no one hears from you until the next day. Let me in on the secret, chickens can keep a secret."
"Never been fond of chickens."
"I know I can change your mind."
"Your food is done now get outta my kitchen before I put chicken wings on the menu."
"Alright alright. I will figure you out one day."
"Hey Ash can you close up tonight, my daughter has a school play tonight."
"Here catch." Rick throws me the keys and heads out the door.
Finishing the dishes and locking the door I head out the back.
Ba-bum Ba-bum Ba-bum Ba-bum
Well look what the cat dragged in. Guess the chicken really is a creep.
"I knew you weren't the golden boy that everyone made you out to be. Stalking a poor person late at night. Tsk tsk tsk."
"Well that girl was keeping secrets." Hawks shoots back.
"And you won't be finding out any of those secrets anytime soon. Goodnight Hawks. Don't follow me ever again or I will file for a restraining order." I turn back down the street and take a quick left to loose the bird.
Ahhhh home at last. Oh bed how I have missed you so.
Beep beep beep

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