Two birds on a wire

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Beep beep beep beep
AHHHHHH. I am losing my mind!
Beep beep beep be-
"Ok we get it, you weren't loved as a kid so you take your self-loathing out on me. Now. Shut. Up." Ash 2, alarm clock 0.
"Hey Chickadee, hows it cookin'?" Hawks bursts through the swinging doors as per usual and goes to his normal spot on the counter.
"It was going well until you walked in. Want your usual?"
"Yep, have you put chicken wings on the menu yet."
"Hmmm well your still alive so no."
"Hahhahahaha. Fair point. So what are you doing after work?"
"The same as last time."
"Come on, lets hang out. Have some fun."
"Please" Hawks had worked his way around the counter and was following me as I moved to the oven.
"No and I meant it Hawks."
"Come on princess, I promise it will be fun~." He leaned in to whisper that in my ear.
"Thats it," I grab the closest sharp object I can find, "Get out of my kitchen Hawks or I really will put chicken wings on the menu." Hawks backs up with his hands raised.
"Alright alright, I won't do it again I promise."
"Leave." I throw the knife into the cutting board for intimidation and start toward him. He's out before I could even make it to the other side of the counter.
"Alright Rick I am off."
"See you tomorrow Ash." I wave goodbye to Rick, starting back home.
"Hey Chickadee."
"Not you."
"Ready to go?" Hawks looks slightly more dressed up than usual.
"Uhhh no, I am not going anywhere."
"Yeah you are, you are going to dinner with me and then out to drink." He shoots finger guns at me while winking. Cheeky and cheesy.
"Come onnnnn, please"
"I am not going on a date with you Hawks." I turn the other direction and start walking.
He grabs my wrist, "Please, it's not a date this time I promise." He sounds so sincere. His usual light and cheery tone was now weighted and guilty. "Think of it as an apology dinner for messing up your pronouns."
He still feels guilty about that. God as soon as I figure out how to stay mad at this guy he pulls something like this.
"No Hawks I can't let you do that."
"Don't worry about the cost, it's not a big deal."
"I'm not worried about the cost. It's my fault that you messed my pronouns. I never told you them in the first place because I expected you to be like everyone else and disrespect them, me. So it was my fault and I had no right to be mad at you. So there you can't take me out to dinner because you have nothing to apologize for."
God that was a lot
He just stares at me for a while. "You would have a really healthy relationship wouldn't you?"
"What?!" Where did that come from?
"Well you just went on about how you were in the wrong and that I didn't do anything that deserved your anger. Thats the opposite of what most people do in arguments." He is observant when he wants to be.
"Hmmm I guess we both surprised each other tonight."
"Does that mean that I can take you out?" He cocks his head to the side. I still don't know if I can trust you. But if I keep my guard up and let him this once then maybe he will finally stop asking. But if he knows he has a chance then he probably never will. He hasn't stopped asking since he met you in the dinner. Maybe that mean he's committed. Or maybe it means he is desperate.
"Fine, not a date. It's a... get to know you dinner."
"Isn't that what a date i-"
"As frie- acquaintances."
"You were going to say friend~"
"No, I was not."
"Yes you were." Hawks skips ahead of me dancing and spinning the whole way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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