Chapter ⁹

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We we're at the very top floor. As soon we walked out of the elevator the floor was completely empty

We walked towards and still it was empty, no sign of Mr. Ma

Suddenly a door cracked open, our attentions went there seeing pil-gwang closing the door

Next was Mr. Ma also coming out of the other door on the other side

"Ha-na, Ms. Chu, Mo-tak and Jeok-bong take care of Pil-gwang."

"Me and Y/n will take care of Mr. Ma" So-mun said

"But isn't pil-gwang want us?" I asked confusedly

"I know. But it's better this way." He answered then looking at Mr. Ma

We all fight it was 1v2 and 1v4

Pil-gwang was using his psychokinesis dragging the others into the wall banging them one by one but they we're still strong

Me and So-mun out smarted fighting Mr. Ma

He was getting pissed since he can't lay a punch on us

I was gonna kick him when he used psychokinesis on me

He lift me up and slam me into the wall like 1-3 times and let go

So-mun got mad and punch him but got stopped when Mr. Ma also lift him up and throw his figure to mine. Ow.

He quickly stood up and helped me up

I heard the elevator opened, the person walked out of the elevator

It was the short haired blonde girl a.k.a gelly

She spotted me and charge at me

I managed to dodge the attacks, I noticed a very sharp weapon attach to her hand

She keeps attacking me nonstop until i get hit, i kept on dodging it

(god why am i so sleepy irl all of the sudden.)

I kicked her stomach making her move backwards a little

She got pissed and charged at me again, she did a air kick. I managed to dodge it and grab onto her foot and slam her into the wall

I pinned her into the wall as she screams trying to get out of my hands

Pil-gwang saw as he controlled me, i let go of gelly by force. He threw me into the edge of the wall making my back feel a little hurt

Gelly turned and slowly walking towards me with a grin. She sat down on me and start choking me

"Fuck. Let go." I whispered

She was laughing like a psychopath

I flipped over now I'm sitting on her and choking her, she was holding onto my hand trying to stop me

No one can help her now since pil-gwang and Mr. Ma is busy fighting the others

She suddenly grabbed onto my hair, shit. what is she planning

**Gelly P.o.v**

I grabbed onto her hair as her memories is going backwards padding away

I saw wong hold y/n at the back so she won't get away

**end of pov**

My realize that my memories was padding, i didn't know at first when i notice gelly was grinning i knew she was the one doing it

Gelly was laughing like a psychopath same for wong

My hair was starting to uncurl

"Y/n! What's going on?!?!" I heard do-yun said, i didn't get to answered because my eyes we're getting tired and wanting to shut

So mun x FEM!reader || The uncanny counter 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu