Chapter 12 - Spirit

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The sound of steel clashing into each other rang throughout the entire training grounds by the barracks. Knights stood around the fences watching the spar between two significant people.

"Our Lady is holding up against the prince pretty well huh?" Said a Knight, nudging one of his comrades. 

"Of course, our Lady can best some of us in a duel." Remarked another. "Shit, she can even beat Sir Asher."

"I guess that's what you get with being trained by one of the best after all." Replied the First.

The wind blew over as the swords met in a fiery crash. The knight gawked and started clapping as the Lady managed to push back the Prince.

"WHOOOO!" Cheered a fanboy knight. "THAT OUR LADY RIGHT THERE!" 

The one next to him smacked him in the head and scolding him to shut up and be quiet.

"They're really going at it." Snickered another one of the knights. "Think our Lady can beat the Prince?" He asked the man next to him, who had flushed back platinum blonde hair and was wiping the sweat from his own forehead with his shirt.

"I know our Lady a lot when it comes to her swordsmanship." Spoke Asher. "I'm afraid this is a loss for her, their difference in experience is clear."

The knight who asked raised an eyebrow and looked back onto the fight and sure enough, Asher's predictions were about to come true.

Alejandra ducked down low and swung her blade upwards to the left. The Prince, Ben hopped backwards and countered it with a parry. Their blades met and fought for control.

Alejandra grinned and pushed him back and thrusted forward. Ben eyed the movement of the tip of her blade and in the short moment the edge stopped being aligned, he spun around and dodged her stab afterwards using his strength, he pushed in the dirt below his feet and knocked her blade in its flat side.

Alejandra managed to hold on to her sword but it wasn't much because Ben took her inability to move again quickly and swung his sword's edge until it almost reached her head.

"That's a win for me, my Lady." Ben bragged.

"Damnit." Alejandra swore with a smile and sat down at the ground. "That's twice in a row, first Asher now to you."

"You still did well, My Lady." Ben laughed and sat next to her.

"Don't take this as your chance to act chummy with me." Alejandra teased and Ben chuckled back.

"It's not that." The Prince sighed with a smirk. "It's nice to relax after a good fight."

"Relax?" Alejandra smirked back at him and aimed her sword again. "Who says we're done?"

"Another round?"

"Yes!" She smiled. "Asher!"

The knight all took a turn smiling and pushing the blushing Asher forward. "The Lady's calling, go get her." They cheered for the guy quietly.

"Shut up, all of you." He glared at them and they only cackled amongst themselves more. He faced the Lady, who threw him a sword. "Yes?"

"Join us?" The Lady offered with a beaming smile on her face. "I'm pumped up right now."

Asher exhaled and nodded his head. "It'd be my pleasure, My Lady. Your Highness." He sheepishly smiled and picked up the blade and threw it around his hands. 

"Let me have it, Sir Lewis." Ben struck a defensive pose and eyed the knight carefully. "Let me see the power of the Lady's personal guard."

"It would be an honor to demonstrate my abilities, Your Highness." Asher pointed his blade towards the Imperial. "I can't let my Lady down."

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