backstory of each character (not really)

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im really sane and careful on this story idk why

-jard and bobo 

The story is back with the time period where Jard was much younger.

 Jard was in an entire group, there were a couple of people around him. He was surrounded by his friends which consisted of various kinds of people. These kids were all known in the city for being reckless  delinquent. And guess what? None of them have never gotten caught.

All of them were at a park, drinking booze and having fun. Some of them were throwing bottles, others were fighting people who were just minding their own business, and the others were just doing whatever the hell they do in a park. And this group of delinquents is all in one place. Well, what a great place to get drunk and party.

Jard didn't seem to be enjoying this type of life at all, but he was forced to keep to the company because he's stuck with them until they get back home.

Jard was sitting down on a bench, alone and silent, he was trying to ignore his surroundings but he can't help but listen to everyone's conversations, he was not interested in anything that's going on. He just want to go home.

jard then see someone getting beaten up by some of them, the guy wears a blue visor and a blue shirt with a white sleeves, jard normally ignore this as he had killed people before , but he cant help seeing the poor innocent guy getting beaten up for no reason he felt a little bit of sympathy towards him.

Jard was still silently watching. The kid was bleeding and looked bruised, he was bleeding from his nose and his mouth and has multiple bruises on the left side of his face. He's also on his knees and couldn't get back up. Jard just look at him, until Jard eventually gets up.

Jard walk over to the guys that were beating up bobo.

idk what to name the delinquents so im just gonna call them "man"

man 1: hey look the quiet kid looks like he's gonna join us!

Jard: you know what i'm tired of living like this.

Jard punch man 1, the other people that were beating bobo got shocked of Jard action they tried to give Jard some punches too, but they underestimated Jard this whole time...

Jard is stronger than they thought, infact Jard is stronger than them they didnt expect this at all they never knew how strong Jard is until now.

(i'll continue later cus bahh its literally 1am)

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