the main story

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its a normal day the sun and the bird chirping at the morning and the wind

Defect Rebel: "another day, another training its really boring... maybe taking a walk would be great"

Defect goes to the park and saw Rebel his best friend

Defect rebel: "oh that's rebel i guess i'm gonna go say hi to him."

defect rebel goes near Rebel

Defect rebel: "Hi Rebel what are you doing?"

Rebel: "oh im just wandering around nothing much..."

Defect rebel: "oh same."

timeskip, a few years later because im so fucking tired with the backstory

*n rebel pov

???: "Rebel, i have a work for you!"

Rebel: "what is it Sir?"

???: "i need you to go and and brought back someone so we can test it out on them"

Rebel: "yes sir! ill go do it now!"

Rebel smirked he knew who he can brought here...

its surely wasn't "Defect Rebel" right...?

Rebel message Defect Rebel.

Rebel: "hey Defect are you free today?" "if you are can you go to the park? i have something for you..."

Defect rebel: "yeah sure."

Defect turn off his phone and goes to the park

Defect rebel: "huh i wonder where rebel is?"

someone covered defect mouth with chemicals that made defect passed out, he got kidnapped by Rebel because why not?

???: "good job Rebel on the work, now we have someone we can experiment on"

Rebel: "no problem..."

rebel looks at defect rebel now waking up

Defect rebel: "wha- Where am i! rebel what does this mean?!"

Rebel: "im sorry "friend" i gotta do what i gotta do"

Rebel goes near defect rebel

Rebel: "as a sign that we were once a friend..."

*Rebel grabs Defect by the hair, and scoop out Defect right eye (dont ask how just imagine it by yourself)

*Rebel is holding Defect right eye, and ate it (im totally sane to actually imagine this)

*Defect rebel is holding the unbearable pain*

Defect rebel: "How could you... i thought we were friends- , i guess i'm dumb to actually believe such a liar like you..."

Rebel is dragging Defect inside a tube

???: "Now Start the Experiment!"

Defect rebel: "NO!"

a button was clicked and the tube start glowing a heavy flash suddenly appears, everyone has to close their eyes incase they get blinded by the flash, as the flash is gone defect was also gone...

Rebel: "does that mean the experiment is a succes...?"

???: "Not yet..."

on someone pov

"there was a heavy flash it might've just blinded me if i didnt close my eye, as i open my eye again i were in a completly different place, there is four corner here and a really long hallway, there was also many people there they seem to be running from something, i try to take a look at what theiy're running from... to my suprise it was a png... it kinda weirded me out, but maybe those png is dangerous?"

"i stand up and saw a bandage on the floor, i pick it up and start bandaging my right eye, theres blood coming out of it and i can still feel the pain"

"im so dumb to actually believe that guy..." that's what i thought the whole time i was bandaging my eye"

" i start running while still bandaging my right eye well actually i have no right eye now, its just a hole with blood coming out of it"

"days after days i now know the reasons to why people were running from those png well they call it nextbots, the nextbots seems to be really fast especially munci..."

i lost track of time... i dont know how long im in this weird world, i also dont know why there is a timer and a round here

"but from what i know every 3 minutes a new round start and every 3 round a new place comes we can vote for the place, i dont know why it does that..."

*sigh* "its been a few years i think... i still cant figure out a way to escape from here"

"its a normal day, i was running from the nextbots until Defect Rebel bump into a guy with a blue visor"

Defect rebel: uh...

Bobo: Ouch!

"both Defect Rebel and Bobo is staring at eachother, Defect stand up and offer Bobo some help"

Bobo: uh thanks!

Defect rebel: no problem...

a shouting can be heard from a distance

Jard: Bobo!, Are you okay!?

Bobo: im fine, i just bumped into this guy

Jard: Who?

jard is looking at defect rebel

Jard: look familiar, have we ever met before...?

Defect rebel: no

Jard: thats weird, im sure i met someone like you before...

Jard: okay i dont trust you at all, im really really sure i met you before... you were evil

"ard goes to bobo and hide bobo behind him

Defect rebel: "we never even met before, but i think i know who you mean"

Jard: "Who?"

Defect rebel: "you mean rebel didnt you?"

Jard: "how do you know...?"

Defect rebel: "long story i guess..."

Word count: 835 im gonna continue later but dont really expect me to actually continue this

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