-The Beginning Of The Witching-

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The Salem Witch Trials were a time that people believed that young girls and even some men, practiced witch craft and would connect to the devil. This all started when two young girls, Abigail Williams and Elizabeth (Or Betty) Parris, started acting strange. They would often throw fits or just start screaming out of nowhere. They would randomly start acting out and their dad/uncle Samuel Parris thought that he should take them to see the local doctor. The doctor, William Griggs, said that he thinks that the girls fits were caused by bewitchment.

It didn't take long before some of the other girls in the town started throwing fits too. Some of the girls were Mary Walcott, Mary Warren, Mercy Lewis, Elizabeth Hubbard, and Ann Putnam Jr. After a while, the girls were starting to accuse other people of bewitching them. One of the accused being Samuel Parris' maid, Tituba. They also accused Sarah Good and Sarah Osborn of witchcraft. Towards late February, they ended up getting arrested because they were accused. They went to court before their arrest and were questioned by Jonathan Corwin and John Hathorne. The girls who were accusing them were brought there too, despite the fact that they were still throwing fits. Tituba was the only one of the three that confessed practicing witchcraft. However both Osborne and Good denied the accusation. Tituba also explained that there were other witches working alongside her. They all went to prison after. But it didn't stop there. The Hysteria kept spreading throughout Massachusetts, and the girls kept accusing more and more people. They ended up accusing Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey. They also accused Sarah Good's four year old daughter. Many others were also accused with them. Some confessed and some denied. But just like Tituba, the ones that confessed also mentioned other women who worked with them with witchcraft. 

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