chapter six ✧ only ash

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Headstone by Defeater

Honestly, the second half of this album, the Sleepless Nights songs, were all heavy inspirations for both Shadow of a Grave & Aftermath. Four of the most emotional and beautiful songs that I've ever heard and given the opportunity I will not shut up about them.  

Empty Days songs, the first half of the album, are also great for another who enjoys more hardcore style music! But if that isn't your cup of tea, then I don't recommend it. Defeater is one of my favorite bands that I play when writing for Amelia. 


Poppy Sweeting and Sebastian Sallow walked arm and arm down the streets of London together. They were both nervous as they got closer to the funeral service. It was a rainy afternoon and he held the umbrella for both of them. Even the heavens above were crying that morning for her loss.

Sebastian had to keep trying to remind himself that he was supposed to be Andrew Sweeting, the husband that Marvolo had never met. Although walking with his arm around the pregnant wife of his best friend made him uncomfortable. Poppy had always felt like another sister to him.

"We're almost there," Poppy said softly as they turned the corner, "Hold on one moment."

Sebastian didn't think much of it when the pregnant girl began digging through her purse. However, when she pulled out a small compact of makeup and attempted to start dabbing the makeup brush against his face, he was taken aback, "What in Merlin's name are you doing?"

"I just-, never mind," She said anxiously.

Sebastian could tell that there had been something bothering her all morning. Mostly the fact that they were going to her best friend's funeral. But it had seemed like there was another reason by the way she kept stealing glances at him when they walked.

"If you want to put more makeup on me, please be my guest," He insisted.

Poppy didn't seem to hesitate to pull the makeup back out and take a moment to blend it into his skin. It was thick and felt almost like wearing a mask. But she seemed more relaxed once she finished and handed him the small mirror. The bags under his eyes weren't the only thing that was gone. It was odd to see how his freckles seemed to vanish under the makeup too.

"I was worried that you'd look too much like Bella," Poppy confessed as he handed the mirror back, "Marvolo is a suspicious man. Even if he believes that you're my husband, doesn't mean that he wouldn't rule anything out."

"You think Bella looks like me?" He asked.

"She even acts like you too," Poppy answered back.

Sebastian didn't think his daughter looked like him that much, but it felt endearing to hear that others thought so. Although Poppy was more concerned about that risk.

Then finally he asked his friend the question that he still wasn't sure if he wanted the answer to, "Do you think this Henry fellow will be there?"

"No," Poppy said shortly. She seemed uncomfortable about the mention as she stared down the road, eyes forced on making it to the house at the end of the road. "We are almost there. We shouldn't talk about this anymore."

"What if he is there?" Sebastian pointed out, "Will you at least point him out to me? What if he recognizes me?"

"No one is going to recognize you. This is a show for purebloods. No one that actually knew Amelia will be there, except for you and I." Poppy reminded him, "And Henry definitely won't be attending."

Shadow of a Grave ✧ Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now