SFW; Zorah and Trin

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Evelyn sat on the couch of her living room, letting out a heavy sigh as she watched an Iron Banner match on the monitor hanging off the wall, showing footage from a Guardians helmet of a Cabal drop pod landing in the arena and deploying three Scorpius turrets in Caiatl blue. She rolled her eyes as a trio of Titans took out the turrets and put down a Ward of Dawn in the center of the area, layering them together. She looked over her shoulder when she heard someone descending the stairs, seeing Zorah come down in her Psion gear.

Eve turned her torso to face Zorah, whose helmet folded and peeled off her head to reveal her face; not as wrinkled as a normal Psion, but still bearing the trident black mark over her face, as well as an amber colored eye.

Eve; "I thought you were gonna wear the new casual wear I got you!"

Zorah shrugged, scratching at the back of her neck, her voice being heard in Eves head.

Zorah; "I don't wanna get them dirty, these have already seen combat and other crap."

Eve nodded with a sigh, perking her head up when she heard a knock on the door. She stood and approached, opening it with a smile when she recognized the Hunter; She had emerald green eyes with short black hair and white markings on her face, standing about 9 inches shorter than Eve.

Eve; "Hey, Trin! Thank you for coming on such short notice."

Trin spoke with a hushed voice, a humble smile creasing her cheeks as she spoke, holding her hands in front of her waist.

Trin; "Oh, thank you for calling me, of all people. I know there's a lot of other, better people you could've talked to."

Eve; "Oh, don't say that! You're one of the nicest Hunters I know."

She playfully nudged Trin with an elbow, a smirk on her faceplate.

Eve; "Besides, I'm definitely not picking Shaw Han over you."

The statement illicited a laugh from the two, Trins eyes going wide when she realized she was hearing a low chuckle not Eves or hers. She would then see a Psion come around Eve, wearing worn Shadow Legion armor with the symbol of RUIN freshly painted over the armor.

Trin; "... Are you Zorah? Eve, is that your daughter?"

Zorah stretched her arms behind her back, the voice of Zorah being heard in both Guardians heads.

Zorah; "Yeah, that's me; adopted about... oh, six months ago, give or take."

Trin gave an awkward nod in response before looking to Evelyn, shyly rubbing her hands together.

Trin; "So, uh... Yeah, we'll go get lunch... Do you want me to bring anything back for you?"

Eve shook her head, as if to say no, chuckling a little.

Eve; "Oh, no, hun, you're fine. I can make something here."

Evelyn then handed over some Glimmer to Trin, which the Hunter took with a level of apprehension.

Eve; "Have a good time out there, you two!"

Trin; "You, too!"

Trin waved with a smile, awkwardly dropping both when she realized what she said, letting out a quiet sigh afterwards. She then looked to Zorah, rubbing her hands together before gesturing down the road, beginning to walk that direction, Zorah following.

Trin; "So, uh... How old are you, Zorah?"

Zorah turned her head down in thought as she walked alongside Trin, furrowing her brow.

Zorah; "I don't know if the math is right, but I think I'm 20 in Human years."

Trin; "Oh, neat, yeah!"

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