Your Higher Self

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When you contact the Higher Self, the source of power within, you tap into a reservoir of infinite power.

- Deepak Chopra

Bonding with your Higher Self is the beginning of a journey of self-discovery. Your Higher Self, also known as Spirit Guides, Essence, Inner Self, and Inner Awareness exits in high realms that have a higher perspective of your life experience. There's a variety of ways your Higher Self communicates with you. Creativity, intuition, weird coincidences, and synchronicities are all aspects of your Higher Self. When a message needs to be heard from your Higher Self, it will appear as a form of synchronicity through books, movies, newspapers, and even through others. Dreams can also lead to messages from your Higher Self. The messages may sometimes come through as a feeling, symbol, person and/or actual visions.

Your emotions can tell if you are in alignment.  Feeling positive emotions when you are thinking of something indicates a message from within. Trusting your good feelings and having more exciting things can lead to finding your life purpose.

Although you are always connected to your Higher Self, you can also be blocking your Higher Self without even knowing it. Blocking off your Higher Self can make it harder for you to receive inner guidance. Apart from inner blockages, using the three wise monkeys known as Kikazaru, Iwazaru, Mizaru and can help one clear up these blockages.

Kikazaru- hear no evil

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Kikazaru- hear no evil

To maintain peace, avoid hearing certain information that doesn't serve you. (Examples: news, bad music, gossip, or dirty conversations.)

Iwazaru- speak no evil

Be cautious when spreading stories. (Examples: making rumors or gossiping despite your insecurities, shortcomings, past, intimidations, envy, and lying.)

Mizaru- see no evil

Seeing negative things or in other words, low vibrational things can lower your vibration. Be mindful of the things you choose to see. (Examples: violent shows, games, music videos.)

Being discreet about what we hear, wise about what we speak, and cautious about what we look at begins the path to peace and happiness.


Your true self (your Higher Self as some call it) has not GONE anywhere. It is with you all the time, waiting for the very moment that you go looking for it.

-Teal Swan

Mostly all the time others confuse the Ego and your Higher Self. The Ego is attached to the physical world and perceives the truth through its five senses. While your Higher Self exits and a non-physical realm.

Picture a mountain with your Higher Self on top and your Ego down below. Your Higher Self knows what you're going to be walking through in your path. Your ego doesn't have that view, this is why you don't want your Ego to guide you.


- believes in Ego-system

- always wants to be right

- selfish

- insecurities

- prefers judgment/self-righteous high ground

- attention

- never satisfied (I want this and that)

- reacts violently

- defensive

- proud

- starts fights or flight responses


- believes in the ecosystem

- admits it's wrong

- self-love and seeing beauty in everything

- looks for similarities

- works together (united w/others)

- no limits or attachments

- experience different emotions

- grows and learns

- truth

- focusing on positivity

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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