Chapter 1 - The Phone Call

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It was late one night and Benedict was sitting on the couch watching T.V. and Sophie was in the shower. All of a sudden her phone started ringing on the coffee table and the caller I.D. said Hairstylist. Benedict called Sophie but she couldn't hear him over the shower so he answered it himself (in British accent) "Hello" to his surprise a male voice said "Hey baby you comin' over tonight?" Benedict in shock said " wh- Who is this? " " This is Ryan who is this?" Appalled at his question he answered angrily " This is Sophie's Husband!" Ryan immediately resented asking that question and was about to hangup when Benedict spoke again and said " Why are you calling my wife at this time of night,and what do you mean is she coming over!" All of a sudden the phone hangs up and he falls onto the couch frustrated and confused. He then resumed his original position on the couch attempting to look "natural". Sophie comes down stairs 20 minutes after the call and her hair is in a towel bun and she is wearing a white robe. When she sits down on the couch she says to Benedict " Ah. Well what did I miss" Benedict, suddenly pulled out of his thoughts, had just remembered they were watching T.V. before she left. But he states as he's getting up to go get tea " Nothing good except your "hairstylist" called Sophie's heart pounded in her chest as she knew who was saved under that name but she askes anyway "oh. Um... What did Barbra want?" Benidict became suddenly infuriated with her, how dare she sit here and lie as if she didn't know! He kept his cool as he spoke and he said " Oh nothing... JUST TO SEE IF YOU WERE COMING OVER TONIGHT!" Sophie in shock tried to think of a lie that could get her out of this but before she could speak he said "Now I'm going to ask you this once and don't lie to me...Are you cheating on me?". Feeling compelled to tell the truth she said "Yes but-" he interuptes her and calmly says " How long. " She again begins trying to explain herself but he just screams " HOW LONG!" She says "3 years " Benidict appalled never in his right mind would he have thought that it had been going on for that long. So he just stood there hurt and mortified that he had not noticed. He then started thinking and realized how all the little odd things she had done or said began to make since. Like her always being gone when he came home from filming , Her hair stylist calling constantly , and her always being "too tired" to fool around , her repeated visits to the nail and hair salon and coming back her hair looking meager at the most than and her nails looking mediocre at best. Sophie then begin to cry. Benidict pulled out of his thoughts again he says to her " Is he mine? " Sophie confused asked " wh- what" . He then said again " Is he mine?" . Sophie recognizing his question spoke in a low tone sounding defeated " There's a small chance that he isn't" Feeling like his whole world had shattered he grabbed his coat and started to storm  out of the door but she screamed after him "Where are you going" he turns around and answers "Out and by the way I want a divorce." He then leaves and slames the door behind him. She hears the car engine start and drive away. She then calls her actual hairstylist and bestfriend Barbra. A sleepy voice answers " Hello " " Yes Barbra.." She can barely complete the sentence as she is sobbing again " He found out" Barbra suddenly in a panic says " Who found out about what!" Sophie answers "Benidict found out about Ryan "

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