Chapter 5

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Nari stood in her kitchen rinsing off a couple plates and cups she had used earlier and stacked them onto the drying rack, while Bada had an online meeting with a company discussing some choreography plans.

Both girls attending to their own chores while basking themselves in the peaceful atmosphere. It has been 2 weeks since bada moved into the apartment. The two girls got closer to each other but bada never made another move on Nari after the day that they hung out in the apartment togeather.

Nari was slightly dissapointed that bada hadn't made another move, but she convinced herself that bada was straight in order for her to get her mind off of the said taller girl.

Bada finalized the call with the relevant company and said her goodbyes ending the call soon after. The taller of the two got up and headed into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the over head cabinet and poured some water into it. She took a sip and then focused her gaze on Nari who had just finished rinsing the glassware and was drying her hands.

"Are you doing anything today?" Bada asked casually while leaning on the counter and sipping on her cold water.

Nari shook her head no "nope I finished all my work a couple hours ago" nari completed. Bada nodded her head in response.

Just then there was rapid loud knocking on the door to their apartment. Nari jumped slightly in her place not expecting the sudden noise in the quiet atmosphere.

Nari walked towards the door and unlocked it, and nari felt like a Boulder was thrown onto her body when an overly enthusiastic Evelyn jumped onto her. At the sudden addition of body weight Nari lost her balance and fell backwards onto the floor, Evelyn still on top of her and completely unharmed got back up within seconds and then targeted bada who showed up by the door at the sound of the crash.

Evelyn jumped on bada as well but was unable to get a similar reaction from the older, as she reacted quickly and stabilized herself. Nari still layed flat on the floor groaning and cussing out Evelyn in 5 different languages.

Bada who was able to get free from evelyn helped the fallen girl back up and checked to see if there were any injuries on her, thankfully there weren't.

"I'm reporting you for abuse" nari said as she dusted her sweat pants to get rid of the invisible dust. "I'll back you on that" bada said nonchalantly as she picked one of Nari's rings off the floor, she walked to nari with the said ring in hand and slid it onto her finger for her.

"Thanks" nari said as she soon went back to glaring at her friend who disrupted their peaceful atmosphere.

"Did yall miss me?" Evelyn asked in a sing song voice. "I forgot you existed, wish it could have stayed that way" nari said bitterly as she threw herself onto the sofa.

"Boohoo too bad you're going to have to get used to it" Evelyn said fake crying like as if she was hurt.

"Why did you decide to visit out of the blue?" Bada asked while taking a seat on the sofa by Nari's head.

"Because I missed yall?" Evelyn asked question lacing her tone like she was confused with her own response.

Bada raised one of her eyebrows up indicating Evelyn to spill the truth. Evelyn got the message and chuckled to herself.

"You know you might make people fall in love with you with that handsome attitude of yours" Evelyn said, mostly directed for nari to hear but bada wouldn't know that.

"What even-" bada was cut off by Evelyn, "okay so, the real reason why I came was because there is a party and the both of you are coming weather you like it or not" Evelyn finalized not giving either of the two housemates an option to decide.

And They Were Roommates || Bada LeeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon