IV- Club

16 2 0

Red hair and silver eyes took him by surprise

Validus POV

"Come on pleaseeeeee, just this once agree to hang out with your baby sister, please"

I groan as I fling my sister off my arms and return my attention to the spell book in my hand, I had stolen it from mothers library to practice stronger spells, it was one of her favorites and she was going to have my head if she ever found out I took it

"Sergio and his friends are going to be there, we haven't hung out in like forever, pleaseeee" Crystallo whines loudly.

I finally tear my gaze away from my book at the mention of one of my best friends. Crystallo shuffles closer to me noticing me beginning to change my mind and I pinch my nose bridge.

"Fine Crystallo, but I'm only agreeing to this because Ancien and his wife told me I didn't need to guard them today, and well I've missed that bastard Sergio"

Crystallo screams and hugs me tightly mumbling 'oh my gosh we're going to have so much fun together just like the old times'

"I am not putting spells on people, I can't act recklessly anymore I'm too old for that"
Crystallo rolls her eyes and mimics me which make me lunge a pillow at her.

"Oh please to me you're just an 18 year old boy brother" she says emphatically watching me search through my cupboard looking for what to wear.

"I'm literally a 100 years old in vampire age, you doo know vampires stop aging at a particular age right" I say showing her 2 sweater to pick from but she gives me a thumbs down on both.

"Yeah yeah I know, its got its perks though when it comes to me looking for who to flirt with" Crystallo says picking her nails

"So how many people are going on this fun trip sis, and what human bar are you going to get drunk at" I ask hoping to hear her mention her name I want to hear

"If you're asking about Lilliana she's not coming tonight, her pack is running tonight' Crystallo replies now smiling mischievously at me.

I nod sadly and keep shuffling through my clothes. Behind me I hear Crystallo sigh and get up from my bed. "Don't tell me you still have that stupid crush on her, you know she's mated to her boyfriend right, remember her boyfriend, your friend, get rid of your ridiculous crush brother"

I groan turning to face her then flick her head. "I'm not into Lily anymore, besides I'm happy for that little vampire and his mate" I say avoiding my sisters gaze, she always knew how to read me and always knew when I was lying, guess it's a twin thing.

"I think they're bringing a human with us, Furta didn't say who it'll be with but she said she's cute and could be fun" Crystallo says excitedly.

"If you're thinking about feeding on her then erasing her memories you better don't, dad almost killed us the last time, and why the hell is that trickster coming with us, she's bad news"

"She's our cousin Val, have a little heart, and besides she's the coolest of all of us and you know it--- oh my gosh you doll up nice"

I smile looking at myself in the mirror, I do doll up nice, whenever I wasn't in my princely robes and I needed to dress more human I always had the best outfits

"I can already see you bragging and I didn't even need to read your mind" Crystallo says which catches me off guard.

"Don't tell me you've learnt how to do that sis"
She looks at me baffled and replies "What of course not, I'm not the prodigy witch now am I, besides I heard only 3 people have been able to master mind reading, I'm good but not that good"

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