Nightmares, Breakfast (and shitty people)

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Remus pov:

I was sleeping peacefully when a deafening scream woke me up. I shot out of my bed and looked around franticly. I heard it came from the room connected with mine. Percy's room. I was lucky I put silencing charm on my rooms, because otherwise the whole house would be awake. I ran to the room and saw Percy twisting in his bed. His whole room was a mess. Everything that was made of glass, lay now broken on the floor. His bulb was broken and only worked half. It flickered and gave everything a spooky glow.

"PLEASE!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!! NICOO!!!!!!! ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!" Percy was screaming wildly, his face was sweaty and his entire body was shaking. I don't know how I could wake him up but I had to do something. Then he trew his blanket from his bed and I saw his torso. He wasn't wearing a shirt right now. It looked gruesome. He was bleeding from a few wounds, some he had scratched open, some that looked like they were made just a minute ago. And his whole upper body was littered with scars from every possible thing. I saw burns from fire and poisons, stabwounds, scars from a whip, pieces of skin that still looked red and raw, it looked like he had been impaled, there were a few words carved on his back and chest. Some looked like they were pretty new, the skin around them was still red but some where ten or more years old. They were just thin silver lines beneath the rest of those terrible things.

Then he screamed again but this time without words. That got me out of my trance and I got my wand out of my pocket and send a spiral of water at his face.

He shot awake and jumped out of his bed and before I noticed their was a sword against my throat.

He looked me in the eyes for a few moments before they became softer and he lowered his sword. His eyes were terrifying when he held his sword by my throat. Their was a dark glow in them that promised pain and revenge. I would've fainted if he didn't mutter sorry and almost started crying after a few seconds.

"Sorry, Remus. I didn't mean to wake you or anyone else."

"I put silencing wards around my rooms. You didn't wake anyone else."

"Oh, that's good I guess. How late is it?"

"It is around 5 in the morning. you should go to sleep."

He just shaked his head. Then he noticed that I might have been staring at him. Under the scars he was a bit skinny but you could see the fine lines of his muscles. He looked down and became deadly pale. He looked up again with fright in his eyes.

With a realy small voice he asked: "You saw the scars?"

I nodded. It was pretty hard not to look at them.

"And you didn't run away?"

"Why would I run away?"

"Most people get scared or say that I'm a freak." He started crying.

"You aren't a freak Percy. Just sit down for a minute while I repare the room."

I pushed him down very careful and spend the next two minutes reparing the room.

After everything was on the right place, I sat next to him.

"Can I ask from were you got those scars" I asked in the softest voice possible.

"I was kidnapped twice and before that got in a lot of fights with people bigger than me. My family isn't the best you can get"

"YOUR FAMILY DID THAT TO YOU!!!" I shouted. How dare they hurt him so badly. Nobody should go through that. And he is still so nice.

"Yes, you wanna help making breakfast?"

I started getting a wiplash from the amount of times this guy changes the direction of the conversation.

Another grandson of voldemort story (percyxremus)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora