Chapter 2: The Serenade of Sea and Night

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In the meantime, let me introduce you to another kind of happiness we call "endless happiness." It's not just the happiness we experienced as children, but trust me, it's the kind of happiness I still cherish, and you will too once you taste it. Want to know how? I'll share a big secret with you, so listen carefully. It's a remarkably simple process that only requires two things: the sea 🌊 and night 🌙.

The first step is to lie in the water as if you were lying in bed. Let your body relax completely. Spread out your arms and legs like wings. I'm sure you've got the position. Once you're lying in the water, your ears will be naturally filled with water, muffling the sounds around you. If the place is crowded, you'll experience partial silence, and if it's not, you'll enjoy complete silence. This means you'll be disconnected from the outside world, left alone with your own thoughts. Don't be afraid of the water; open your eyes.

Imagine a summer night, the sky clear and the stars shining brightly. It's just you, the stars, and your thoughts.

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