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Her long, wavy hair was blowing behind her as she walked on top of the white clouds. Every step she took became a miracle and every breath was a wish come true. Her blue eyes twinkled as she looked down upon the miracles and phenomenons she was creating. She watched as a young couple had their first kiss. She watched as a young child wished to the first star for her to score a goal in her soccer game the next day. She watched as a newborn baby made it through open heart surgery. She watched as a single father of five was cancer free again. She watched as a new mother had her first child. She giggled at the happiness she saw in their eyes. She was an angel.

She was an angel... Or so she thought. The young lady in the mirror was not an angel. The lady in the mirror had a dead soul that looked for mischief, for danger, and for anger. The lady in the mirror had demons in her eyes. She wanted to be an angel and everyone saw her as one but she knew she could never be the angel they saw.

The day the happiness ended was the day she broke her promise to Mary. The day she arrived in the clouds, she had to take an oath to be kind, caring, and sympathetic. She had to promise to be kind to the angels in the clouds, to care for the people below, and to be sympathetic for those that had lost someone or something. If she did not follow this simple task, she would be sent back to Earth in a different body. She would have to endure pain and struggles on Earth that no one ever did. The angel had kept the promise, for the most part. She broke in one day, no one knows how, they just know she did because they never saw her again.

She had fallen. She had fallen hard, harder than any angel ever fell because she was the fallen angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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