Saving Lives

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Lila can't believe that those beasts figured it out and who knows if they will find where she's keeping the disappearances of the people that went missing. She has to complete her experiments with dark magic to complete an entire army of hybrids.

The hybrid human hyena was laughing for 30 minutes and Lila smacked the cage to make it stay quiet, "Stop laughing! Sheesh! Where is that machine?!" She yelled at her scientists to get it ready to fuse the DNA of Adrien and Marinette to the human test subjects.

"It's unstable, ma'am! It could kill them!" The scientist said.

"I don't care what it can do! I need to test them! Without having to be bitten and that is why their DNA will be fused with these subjects!" Lila said with insanity.

"Yes Mistress" The scientist nodded.

They hear intruders in this facility and she knows it's them when they pick up a scent to find her, "We got intruders! Release the hybrids!" Lila ordered her men.

They did as they were told to. Lila knew that these beasts were too strong, stronger than werecreatures and humans. She glances at the captured teens who are sedated and ready to be fused with a fox, a tiger, and a dog.

"Now, let's begin" She smiled coldly as they got ready to inject.


Ladybug and Cat Noir knew they couldn't harm these victims, even if they couldn't control their primitive thinking or their nature of an animal.

"Okay, kitty! New plan!" Ladybug readies a lasso.

"Tie them up! Now!" Cat Noir quickly said.

Ladybug throws the lasso and runs around them after tying them up.

"And the winner is, Lady Wolf and Cat Nooooiiiirrrrr!" He does his opera.

"Heh, you should try opera often" Ladybug chuckled.

"Indeed. No time to celebrate, we gotta find that bitch before she tries to experiment the victims" Cat Noir said and his ears perked when he hears something, "Like now!"

"Yes, hurry!" Ladybug ran on all four.


Alya, Juleka, and Sabrina woke up feeling the injections in them.

"What did you do to us?" Alya yelled.

"Just a little modification," Lila said.

Alya looked at her hands and they started to become like a fox's paws.

"Aahhh!!" Juleka screamed that her body was mutating.

"My body! It's changing!" Sabrina felt her ears turn into dog ears.

"AAAGGGHHHH!!!!" Alya grew fox ears and a tail.

"AAAAAARGHHHH!!!! RAAAAAAH!!!" Juleka became a purple-colored tiger.

"HRRRRRRGH!!!" Alya was fully transformed into a red fox hybrid.

Sabrina barked savagely and was released from the restraints, "RAFF!!!" She ran around frantically.

The three tried to attack Lila but they got electrocuted by the shock collar since Lila knew that some hybrids would try to go against her.

"Nice try, but it's Cat Noir and Ladybug you're gonna kill," Lila said.

Fox Alya could never bring herself to kill her best friend. Neither can Juleka or Sabrina because the werecreatures are superheroes.

"Now do as I say or you're mounted over my fireplace!" Lila warned and three reluctantly headed out to engage the heroes.

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