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💅🏻I'm trying to write these as fast as I can guys lol💅🏻

Chapter 4

I sat through the rest of the dance battles feeling so displeased in myself. How could I let her win. I'm pathetic. She's my competitor and yet I can't stop myself from having these weird feelings for her. It's like I wanna be her or something, but I don't so idk what it is making me feel like this.
The rest of Jan republic completed their battles. We took a few more losses but mainly wins. Emma was the last battle of the day and obviously she ate it up.

"Good job guys, I'm really proud of all of us I feel like we've showed everyone a good idea of who we are and why we're here" Kirsten said huddling us all up in a circle "yea I think we should keep these positive vibes going and use them in the next challenge for sure" latrice added. I nodded silently, still feeling deflated. "Okay let's go back to our room and get our stuff I'll call an uber for us all" Emma said picking up her water bottle and making her way towards the stairs. The rest of the girls followed after her. " I'm just gonna hang back for a minute guys I'll be there in 5" I shouted after them forcing a smile. They all nodded and Audrey signaled a heart with her hands in my direction before making her way up the stairs. The last few dancers made their way out of the door leaving me sat alone in the middle of the fight zone.

I raised my head and closed my eyes. I decided to take some deep breaths to help myself process everything that had happened today when I heard foot steps approaching me.

"Can I sit here?" I opened my eyes to see who was standing next to me and it was no other then Bada Lee. At this point in the day I was too exhausted to acknowledge my hearts sudden increase in pace and so I simply agreed with a nod. Bada slowly sat down next to me her thigh briefly making contact with mine. "I'm Bada" she said to me softly. "I know" I mumbled back. " I know you know but we haven't been properly introduced now have we?" She teased. I sighed and decided to see where this conversation would end up. "Hi Bada I'm zenna it's so great to meet you" I said sarcastically. Bada let out a soft laugh shaking off my hostility she said "you know if I were the judges I still probably would've picked me in the end but you did put up a good fight" playfully. "Just so you know Bada if we ever have to go up against eachother again you'll be taking the loss not me" i replied gently pushing her shoulder. With that Bada leaned In towards me getting close to my face, staring right into my eyes and said" Zenna, if you're gonna be in with a chance of winning against me you'll have to stop fantasising about me" . She patted my thigh and got up to walk away. I was speechless. I hated what she had said to me, how she could read me like a book. But I loved how she said it.

"Oh, you looked good dancing today by the way" she added with a wink before turning around and leaving the room.

You know that feeling when you get on a rollercoaster and you're on the front row and you've just been strapped in ready and excited for the ride. That's how I felt. Butterflies swarming my stomach. I NEED to stop feeling like this. I have to focus on winning.

I picked up my bottle and was about to head out of the fight zone until I felt something on the bottom of my water bottle. I flipped it upside down to see what was there.
It was a post it note. Strange. And there was only one thing written on it. A number.
I peeled the note off my bottle folded it up and put it in my pocket. I had a pretty good idea who's number it was left on the bottom of my bottle but I knew if I messaged that number or even added it to my contacts things would get messy.
But maybe I want them to ;)

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