Rejects Of Ninjago

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Time: 8:00

Cole was eating at the kitchen table. He looked down that the pancakes that his father had made him. Since he can't cook. Cole liked pancakes because they were technically cake for breakfast. He liked to cut them up into little pieces, mix them up, then he would stuff a fork-full in his mouth. Made him happy. He was chewing the little slices nervously. Today he was going to be given a big job. His boss said to eat a good meal before entering today because this was going to be their biggest assassination yet. He sighed as he took one last bite of pancake. 

Cole didn't like assassinating people. But ever since his mother died and his father had fell into a deep depression. Cole tried to find ways to cheer up his father. His father, Lou was a dancer. He loved to dance and preform for the whole world. But after his wife passed away. He no longer felt the motivation to dance. It tore Cole's heart. So in an effort to help his father get better. He took in the job of being an assassin. He didn't tell his father though. He told him it was a simple job that payed a lot. Lou couldn't have been prouder. Cole proceeded to pay for His father's hobbies by assassinating people that he had been hired to do so. 

Lou walked in with a smile. 

"Enjoying those pancakes I made you?" He said joyfully

Cole nodded as he washed his plate at the sink. He didn't want to say anything to his father. 

"You deserve them son, after all you do for funding my dancing dream, oh it's the least I can do!" He said 

Cole didn't say anything. He left his plate to dry and hugged his father. 

"I better be going. You and stuff" he said 

Cole's father nodded and hugged him back "I understand. Stay safe out there."

Then, Cole opened the door to exit his house. He felt like his father should know the truth. But it could wait. He had to be at the office of his boss at  8:30. The biggest job ever. He didn't usually get big jobs. He got the jobs such as revenge for cheating spouses or people who didn't pay their debt in time. The person who always got the good jobs was Camille the master of form. She was sharp and got the good jobs like taking out millionaires and hefty businessmen. Cole was wondering if he got a CEO or something like that. 

He didn't bother to dress well for the occasion. He picked his normal assassin outfit and called it a day. He had better things to do than mope around about his appearance. But other than that, he had black hair that was a bit longer than what male hair should be. He also had thick bushy eyebrows. They worked in their own way. He was stronger than the normal man. With his earth powers and such. He was very muscular. Some women took interest in him but he denied them. He was more into guys. No one knows about Cole's interest in guys and he likes it that way. 

He watched things around him as he walked. Just children playing with sticks and rocks. The village was looking quite different today. He just couldn't figure out why. The village was always this way. That's why the village was given the nickname

 Rejects Of Ninjago

 That's what they like to call themselves anyways. 

After Elementa, all the unfortunate people who were cast away created their own village. Not as good as the one that King Ray and Queen Maya have. but it's alright. It's not like a homeless village where everyone is suffering for scraps of food or clothing. Far from that. It's a middle class society. And Cole called it home.

He walked a little further and saw the building come close and closer to him. Here we go. One of the biggest jobs that he is going to receive. He just hopes he can survive "the talk" with his boss.

He walked into the building. It was full of fellow assassins. They were either discussing plans on how their assassinations were going to work out. Or they were watching Camille beat everyone at ping pong. But everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Cole. He watched as everyone started whispering around him. His palms started to sweat a little. One of them spoke a little louder 

"I heard this is the one that boss picked for the "big job" he's been talking about" 

Cole took a deep breath as he approached the boss's room. He turned the knob and saw his boss sitting at his desk. As if he had been waiting for him for years. Cole entered the room and shut the door behind him. He awaited for an order from his boss.

"Please...sit down" Cole's boss said.

He proceeded to sit down at the seat right across from the seat from his boss. He sat with good posture and nodded. 

"What is the job you want me to do?" Cole said with great anticipation.

Cole's boss moved around in his chair to add some dramatic effect. 

"A client who shall not be named offered to pay us a big amount. The most we have ever seen before. 10 million big ones. But the job itself is tougher than usual." The boss said.

 Cole's eyes widened. 10 million dollars? That's the most he's ever heard of! Not even close to the most Camille had ever made! 

"Alright I get it. Which Lousy businessman should I remove from the picture?" Cole said

The boss laughed at Cole. Which made Cole's smile drop. He was expecting a businessman at least.

"No Cole. It isn't a business man. Ever heard of the Elementa war?" He said 

"Who hasn't?" Cole said in a confused tone

"Well your the prince from the Royal Family of King Ray and Queen Maya." He said

Not only did Cole's smile drop but Cole's face dropped. 


Cole shook his head. "I'm sorry boss. This is a job that's way too big for me. I can't do it. Get Camille to do it or something." He said as he was getting up to leave.

"Think about it! 10 million dollars...that's enough to retire. No more assassinations for you! You can live a normal life with your father! Enough to fund his dream of starting his own dance studio! You wouldn't want to break Papa's dreams?" The boss said in a sentimental tone. 

Cole thought about it. His father needs it. After doing it..his life would stop being so difficult. He can live a normal life with his dad! He can no longer hurt people just by doing this one task. He can finally be free! 

"Do we have a deal?" His boss said as he extended his hand and waited for Cole to shake it.

"Fine..." Cole said as he shook hands with his boss.

"You have a week to get the job done. Don't disappoint me." The boss said as he turned around in his chair. "If I were you I'd get going now." He said

Cole nodded. He walked out of the bosses office with one thing in his mind. 

To assassinate Prince Kai.

He already had a game plan. He would go and earn the prince's trust. Then when he would least expect it. He would take him out and get it over with. Simple. He just hoped everything would go to plan.

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