Chapter 11

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Maia: Hey, you awake?

Y/N: Yeah. What's up?

Maia: Okay, are you sitting down?

Y/N: I am now... What happened, you're scaring me.

Maia: Okay so ummm... Kopa might've gotten adopted...

Y/N: I BEG YOUR BIGGEST PARDON!?! Imma' call ya', and you better answer...

I called Maia's number hearing it dial, I was honestly nervous. This didn't seem like a joke because she didn't know how to lie, even in text messages.

"Hey," Maia said softly, "I'm so sorry, I know how much you love her." I sighed louder than intended, so I tried lowering my voice so the boys wouldn't hear me. "Did you at least get to see 'em?" I asked. I wasn't planning on stalking the family, I just wanna talk to them... "Yeah, there's also another thing you need to know... They're Americans." I dropped my phone and just stood there frozen, I was like that for a couple of minutes until I finally snapped back.

"Do you at least know what part of America they live in?" I asked Maia while holding myself together, "They wouldn't tell me. They said it's confidential and that sort of shit, she still hasn't answered the phone, so I figured she's still on the plane."  She said as I started to hear music and laughter from downstairs. "Let me know when you wanna talk, take care," Maia said as she ended the call.

I lay in my bed not knowing what to do. My thoughts were interrupted when the noise downstairs got louder, so I went to check.

"And I said, paint my house," I heard Duff say while he laughed like an idiot, "Oh hey Dean, what's up," Slash's words slurred as he turned everyone's attention to me, which made me realize he was drunk. I didn't even reply and ran back upstairs, locking myself in my room.

My parents always had alcohol issues and the habit of hitting me with whatever they could find for no reason. That's why I developed a dislike towards these types of substances.

 "Hey, tiny, mind opening your door?" I heard Steven say on the other side of the door, "Are you alright? What happened?" But I refused to answer him. Even after many years of seeing drunk people, I still couldn't differentiate between a sober and a drunk person, mainly because they are really good at it. 

"Dean, please. Open your door, I won't do anything, I promise," A second voice appeared. It was Izzy.

Adopted by my brother's friends (Guns N' Roses + Nirvana)Where stories live. Discover now