Natsu's and Wendy's First Date

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Hey everyone, great news! My pat-treon is finally up and running. I will also be positing tons of my original stories on there. All of which will be getting art to go along with them! So go ahead and check it out if you want. My name is the same on there as it is on here.

"Man, that was a lot of fun," Natsu said cheerfully, resting his arms behind his head as he walked down the road to the guild.

"Yeah," Wendy agreed. "I hope we get to go camping again sometime soon."

"It was an experience worthy of a real man," Elfman boasted, nodding his head in satisfaction.

Gray just cocked his head to the side. "It was alright. Would've been better if it wasn't for a certain couple..."

Lucy grinned while nudging the ice wizard's shoulder. "Come on Gray, you know you're happy for them."

"Pfft. You're just imagining things."

"Sure, whatever you say." She walked away while whistling nonchalantly.

Erza walked up to Gray next and rested her hand on his shoulder. "Remember what we talked about in the woods," the armored wizard whispered to him. She gave him nothing but those words to go off of before walking away as well.

Once they made it back into the guildhall, everyone was met with quite a surprise, Wendy and Gray in particular.

"Hey Wendy." Shelia waved over to her as she was sitting down at one of the tables.

Lyon set down his glass of water and turned his head toward the entrance. "Welcome back, Fairy Tail."

"Shelia!" Wendy clapped her hands in joy before running up to her best friend.

"Lyon?" Gray cocked an eyebrow. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Master Makarov asked Lamia Scale to look over the guild while you guys were away."

Makarov nodded in confirmation as he walked up to Lyon. "That is correct. And you've done a fine job, I see. Thanks for all your hard work, I appreciate it."

"You'd better!" Oba came up from behind Makarov shaking her fist in fury. "Next time you ask me and my guild for a favor out of the blue like that, I'll spin your head off!"

"I don't think there's any need for that..." Sherry tried to inform her guild master in a gentle tone. However...

Sherry suddenly found herself spinning in a rapid circle to the point where she was already well past being dizzy. "You keep quiet or I'll spin you too!"

"You are spinning me!"

"Wendy, do you know a private place we can talk?" Shelia asked her.

Wendy tapped her lips in thought. "Hmm. Well, we could go to my room in the dormitory."

"Yeah, that's perfect! Alright, lead the way, Wendy!"

"Okay, but why do you want to talk in private?" Wendy was a little confused on that part. She knew that Shelia could be a little random and out there sometimes though, so this was far from unusual for her.

"You'll know when we get there," the pink-haired teen informed her. "But I guess I can give you a hint. It's all about love," she said with a wink.

Wendy and Shelia walked into her room and they both sat down on the bed. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Wendy asked her friend, a curious expression on her face.

"I told you, didn't I? It's about love."

"That doesn't really tell me much. You always talk about love, Shelia."

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