Chapter 5. Close

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•───•⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇•───•

The minute Han and Minho escape the warm threshold of the chlorinated pool, cool air wills to crawl up Han's neck. Minho grabs their towels, handing Han's over, a small smile attached to his face as he watches Han begin to slightly shiver. The sun just didn't seem to be warm enough, leaving Han to begin to tremble the last ten seconds of his walk and Minho relished in it.

"It's not that cold, Han."

"Shut up." Han wraps his towel around him as if he was a burrito, sucking the warmth out of the sun-soaked fabric. Minho likes teasing Han, maybe just a bit too much. Han absolutely hates it, on the other hand. He actually despises it.

He only hates it because it makes his stomach do a flip and makes him feel flustered. Minho liked to fluster him, too.

Minho's hand finds the middle of Han's back as he guides them both inside, walking to the door and opening it, only to hear Changbin yelling at the top of his lungs.

"CHANNIE-HYUNG!" Changbin stands from the couch, eyes locked onto the television in fear as his character jumps and misses the next platform, beginning to respawn but never getting the chance to move as the round concludes.

Chan can't help but laugh, leaning into the couch with a controller lolling from his hand helplessly. Changbin turns and looks at his older friend, face in disbelief as the game changes on the screen behind him.

"I told you not to go that way!" Chan defends what seems to be something close to his honor, but Changbin's cry of horror seemed to plead otherwise.

All they were doing was playing Fall Guys. A mindless game where they just had to reach the end of the race to proceed to the next round. Chan was having zero problems completing each course, but Changbin had fallen off maybe twenty times each round (and that was a lot considering the time limit per track).

"No! Back out! Restart! Do it again!" Changbin points at the television with an annoyed grin, holding the controller a bit tighter than he'd like to admit, but Han and Minho could both see the steam coming from his ears.

This was pretty typical of Changbin and Chan, always playfully bickering if one was winning over the other, especially if one was doing way worse than the other. Everyone loved seeing Changbin getting riled up. His voice always got high pitches and his veins started to protrude in his forehead, eyes widening and stance rigid as he tried to complain or beg for another chance.

In this case, this was the sixth game they were on. Chan had nicely reset the game plenty of times, but Changbin died nearly every single round. Chan couldn't help that his friend was surprisingly so bad at a kid's game, but he was not going to make that known to him.

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