God, please () me, a monster.

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It's been 30 years since I've last seen you. 30 years since we parted ways. I've forgotten all that had made me like you, all that had made me human. I ran on four legs instead of two, and in the woods by your house I had screamed into the night, hoping by some miracle something would change. And maybe, just maybe, we could be together again. I would remember you and that all too familiar shade of orange that covered you from head to toe, like the ember of a fire. And you would remember me for who I was, not what I had looked like. 

I would see you once in a while. In the break of dawn, you would always leave, and then come back just when the sun had set. The sky blanketed by blues and purples, fireflies dancing in the shadows of dusk, acting as your personal beacon of light. A chorus of crickets had sung their song and filled the night with music. All was perfect, it had seemed. But maybe my wishes were just hopeful thinking; I hadn't remembered you, and you hadn't remembered me.

Everything became silent, still as could be within a matter of seconds. There was not a chirp from an animal nor insect, not even a whisper from the summer breeze. It was unusual, sure, but you'd thought nothing of it. It was only the rustling of greenery that had startled you to look up from what you were doing, and when you had, that was when your eyes had met mine. 

But mine didn't look the same as they did yours. They were dead, as pale as a corpse. Pupils constricted and cold. My hands were metallic and clawed, and my jaw of which hung ajar ever so slightly was filled with uneven teeth. Drool dripping between them and onto the soil below. My body was covered in matted faux fur, color lost to the aging of time. But what was most notable of all, was the horrible smell that had followed, and had you looked too closely it wouldn't take you very long to find the source. 

Run. Run and never look back is what I wished you had done, but running off of instincts and instincts alone, I hunted you down as though you were nothing but a feeble little fawn, destined to die. Run as you might, but you shall know that I will catch you in the end. 

And when I finally caught up to you, when my claws and teeth had pierced through your delicate skin and you screamed. Had you listened closely you would've heard me cry; 

I'm sorry. 

I'm sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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