Chapter 7

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First-person POV

I woke up to my grandma shaking me gently. "Sweetie, you have a visitor. They are in the living room," She said once I was awake. I got out of my bed and pulled a jumper over my head as best as I could. I left my room and walked into the living room to see the person who started all of this. "Good Morning Maisie," He said and I went to turn around and leave. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him.

"Wait!" He called out and was suddenly in front of me.

"What?" I asked and looked at the ground so I wouldn't have to look at him.

"Maisie I am sorry if I have upset you. I did not mean to scare you that night and I meant no harm." Loki said and I looked up at him.

"Why were you in my house? That's incredibly creepy and weird," I said, sighing heavily in response. "Midgardians don't do that," I said and he nodded softly. "Well some do but they shouldn't," I whispered quickly because it was true.

"I was only there because I needed somewhere to stay out of the rain." He said and I looked at him properly.

"It was scary," I added and he took my hands softly.

"I understand and I promise to never do it again. How can I get you to forgive me?" He asked and I sighed softly.

After everything I had read and learnt about Norse God Loki, he was never one to apologize so I felt almost... special. Of course, you can't believe everything you read about something that happened centuries ago that nobody alive today has proof of but still.

"Loki, I know you meant no harm but it did scare me. I could have called the cops or pulled out a gun. You don't know what could have happened." I said and I saw the thought process on Loki's face. It was clear he was trying to think about my point and he got it. "Loki...look, I forgive you on one condition," I said and he nodded almost frantically. "Don't scare me again! Ever!" I said firmly and he smiled and nodded.

"I promise to never scare you again," Loki said and I smiled softly. I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me back tightly. I let go and my stomach grumbled softly.

"Food?" Loki asked and I nodded. He smirked and went to the kitchen while I went and sat down in my favourite chair. I smiled at him and smiled as he wandered around the kitchen trying to locate everything he needed to cook whatever was in his head. I chuckled slightly as he opened the glass cups cupboard and he shook his head softly.

"Need some help?" I asked and he turned to face me.

" could be possible that I need assistance with finding...well, everything," He said and I smirked at him. I jumped off my chair and hurried over to him to help him. I chuckled softly and gave him a sassy look. "Hey, you live here," He said with a smirk and I smiled again.

"What do you wanna make?" I asked and Loki shrugged softly. "Right okay, left bottom cupboard, get the big metal pot with the black handle. I'll get the pasta," I said and Loki ventured over to the cupboard I pointed to. He grabbed the pot and put it on the stove.

I got the pasta from the pantry and dumped vaguely enough pasta into the pot to feed three people. "Can you get the tomato pasta sauce out from the fridge and the garlic bread please," I said and Loki quickly did that, placing them on the bench behind me.

I kept boiling the pasta as I felt two hands slip around my waist. I smiled and rested my head backwards and my head landed on his shoulder and I looked up at him. We were at the perfect height to meet each other. (He was 6'2 and I'm 5'10.) He smiled and spun me around swiftly.

"Loki...I've got to make the pasta," I said and tried to spin back around when I noticed the pasta sauce bottle start pouring itself into the pot. "What about the..." I began but I noticed the distinctive beep of the oven timer starting. "You've got everything covered," I said with a light chuckle and kissed him softly.

Loki kissed back and I put my arms around his neck softly. I pulled away and rested my head on his shoulder lightly. He tightened his grip on me and pulled me closer to him while resting his head on mine. We stood like that for a few minutes just holding each other. It was peaceful and a beautiful moment.

When I finally let go of him and smiled softly. Loki let me go lightly but he kept his arms around my waist. "Loki, are we going to eat?" I asked and he smiled softly.

"Yes, if you wish," Loki said and I smiled at him. I didn't want to stop holding Loki and being so close to him but my stomach made my needs known. My stomach growled louder than a dog would have and I saw Loki physically hold back a laugh.

"Hey, don't laugh at me," I said and pulled away from him briefly so I could grab some plates. I grabbed the plates and stood up to put them on the bench when I felt two hands grab my own hands and take the plates. I turned to face him and he somehow already had food sitting on the plates ready to eat. I smiled at him, took one plate and walked back over to the stove.

"What are you doing?" Loki asked and I ignored his questions and piled some more food onto the plate. He chuckled and gave me a 'really?' look which made me smile softly.

"Don't judge me...I like my food," I said and ended up with almost double what Loki had originally put on the plate. Loki chuckled and we went and sat down to eat dinner. I smirked and ate my food happily. 

Published: 7.9.23

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