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I was fifteen and I had my first sexual urge at the wrong place, wrong time and with my crush. I had returned from karate training which was imposed by my uncle because I was too fat and got bullied by kids and always came home crying. My uncle had opened the karate center after recovering from an injury he sustained on active duty. He never returned to the military and Nigerians didn't see reasons to send their children to a karate center so his business was a failure. But my uncle still opened everyday even though he had just his nephew as his only student. He wasn't that poor because he inherited a lot from my late grandpa although my dad had more by 10 percent. He subjected me to vigorous training and defensive techniques. I had learnt a lot in six months and I had significantly reduced in size but I couldn't use it on anyone. I was still bullied and still timid. My self esteem was still very low. I had succeeded in loosing to my uncle five times in a roll and had escaped some group of bullies who were rather attacking another weak target and didn't see me in time. I heard Elora's scream as I opened. I reacted without thinking. The scream was coming from my dad's room. I was not prepared to witness what I saw. My dad was on top of a screaming Elora same time hitting her head. Her hands were tied to the bed post and both were stack naked. She saw me first and I knew what fear, horror and dread looked like. It was all over her face. Anger I had never known overpowered me and all the trainings I received rushed through me at once. I attacked my dad using all the karate skilks I'd learnt. My dad couldn't do anything. He was looking shocked as I punched him on his face. But he recovered after few seconds and tried to fight back. From the smell reeking out of his mouth, it was clear he was drunk. He threw me off him and attacked me. But I was pulled away by Elora and dragged out of the room. It became the most embarrassing and messed up moment of my twenty five years on earth. I developed psychological default about sex that day.
Even after ten years, that day still remains a nightmare I'm trapped in and some days I still dream about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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