Chapter 3 - The Beginning Of a Fight

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                             to split up." I said. ", we can't, I can't!" Matt said. "Babe I-" I started, but Matt interrupted by kissing me. I pushed in for a kiss too, the next second we were making out. "Do they always do that?" John asked, disgusted. "I guess." replied Pete. "Come with me babe." Said Matt. "Yeah..okay, babe." I said.


I watched them going upstairs, I didn't really care. I was left with the rookie. "So, what's up?" I said. "Not much..." John replied. He seemed very bored, and I seriously didn't blame him at all. "Hey, wanna go outside, we could explore the city!" John whispered. "Um, sure. Just don't get caught using your powers." I replied.

We ran out of the mansion, running down the street. John was slow, I didn't really like that, because I was always ahead, and it seemed unfair. I looked around so no one could see what I was about to do. "Yo, John!" I shouted. "Watch out!" I used my fire powers to unleash flames from my hand. I made it surround him. He grinned then looked below me. I looked below me as well. I noticed a few drops of water. "Oh fu-" just before I could continue, he unleashed lightening from his hands, hitting the water, electrocuting me. I flew back and hit my back on the road, my ears ringing. I could hear someone saying "GET UP!" In a very blurry voice. I ignored it. I opened my eyes, to see John using his electrical powers to stop the car from hitting me...

The driver...was dead.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted. "What happened to the bloody driver!"
"I...I killed him." John replied, in fear. "Run! We can't let anyone see this!" I shouted. We ran across the street running back to the mansion as fast as we could. While running John fell a few times, however managed to get back up and run. We finally reached the mansion. I bust open the crooked door, I was breathing hard, "hey! We're back!" I said, gasping for air. John was on the ground, gasping for air more than me. I saw Jess coming down from the stairs, wearing a towel over her body. "Why are you wearing a towel?" I said. "I had a shower?" She said. I could barely believe her, but I just went with it.

I was wondering why Pete asked me that. I hope he didn't know what we did. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I went and changed my clothes, and went back downstairs. Matt was there, in a suit and tie, holding roses in his hand. "Babe, you didn't forget about our date did you?" He winked. "Of course I didn't, babe." I replied. "Good, let's go!" He said. A special car was waiting for us outside. We entered it without hesitating. "To Celcius Bar, please." Matt said.

We finally reached, it took us about an hour to reach. And I understood why. It was in the city. "Aren't we trying to avoid the city?" I whispered to Matt. "Yeah...we are, but this is the best place in town!" He whispered back. We made our way to the entrance, we met a man there, dressed up in the most formal way you could imagine. "Hello there. Do you have a reservation?" He asked Matt. "Yes, I do. Matthew George." Matt replied. "Ahh, yes. Matthew! Follow me to your table." We started moving inside, loud music was heard from the outside. It was very cool, I was starting to like it already. We entered the restaurant, it was crowded with rich and formal people. "How'd you afford this, babe?" I whispered to Matt. "I have my ways." He whispered back.
We reached our table, it was the best seats I could ever wish for. Matt pulled my chair and I sat down. He sat opposite of me, holding my hand on the table. "Listen babe, we have to act formal here, no 'babe' or shit like that. We gotta start saying 'honey' or something." Matt whispered. "Okay...honey." I said, then giggled. I looked around and it seemed like we were the youngest in the restaurant, all of them were like thirty or forty years old, and we were like twenty. I saw the door opening and a strange man entering. He had two different colour eyes. Green and blue. It reminded me of a husky. I felt weird, like I've seen him before. He looked at me, and grinned. He moved towards us, passing us. He sat two tables away from us, which terrified me. "Everything okay, honey?" Matt said. "Nothing, nothing..." I said. "May I take your order, sir?" The waiter asked. "Yes, we'll have a lobster please." Matt said. I was getting hungry and lobster was something I would totally go for right now. "Any drinks?" He replied. "I will have ordinary water. What about you...honey?" Matt said. "Um, I would love some, water too." I replied, hesitantly. The waiter left us, smiling happily. "You don't seem okay, babe...I mean honey." Matt whispered. "I am, trust me!" I said. I looked at the man again. He was coming my way, walking slowly. He then came to our table, putting his fists on the edge of the table. My eyes widened. I was shaking in fear. "Ahh, hey Jessica!" He said. "What do you know me!?" I said. Matt looked at me, then looked at him. "Excuse me, sir. Can you come back later? We are kinda busy here." Matt said. "Sure, sure..." He said. He walked a few steps then turned back and rose his hand. We looked at him in shock. The whole table started moving, it fell and we fell with it. "FUCK! HE'S ONE OF US!" I shouted. I used my telekinesis trying to push him out of the window. He was using it the same way. The power hit each other in the middle. "ARGHHHH!!!!" I shouted pushing hard and giving power. Matt saw me, he used his water powers, taking all the water in the room, mixing it in the air, then dropping it on the man. He couldn't see and fell. I had a chance to push him out the window, and I tried. He moved across the floor, his legs broke through the window, and he was about to fall. I let go of my powers, letting him fall to his death...


HEY EVERYONE! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's the longest one yet. Stay tuned for more!

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