Part 2

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Just as the two of them had expected, the sound of foreign steps rang out in the middle of the night. Mu So who had been half-asleep and half-awake for most of the night immediately sat up and grabbed the dagger from below the pillow, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

The steps continued down the corridor and a door opened. There was a pause, and the steps sounded again, followed by the sound of another door's handle being pushed down. Over and over again, this repeated.

in the room on the other side of the corridor, Nilgu also got up and quietly took the bundle he had gotten from the kitchen before. Pulling back the bag that had originally been used for flour, he stared at the somewhat dull edge of the knife. This was all that he could have offered that traveler as a weapon. Thankfully, he hadn't needed it. Now though ... he was stuck with a makeshift weapon in a temple that condemned killing. What was he supposed to do now?

He sighed and put the weapon down again, sitting at the edge of his bed. What was supposed to happen, would happen. He would just entrust his life to Jel.

The steps closed in on their rooms and Mu So tensed, ready to jump whoever had dared to break in. Whether it was a robber or a priest of that other god, he didn't mind giving them a taste of their own medicine.

The steps stopped at the height of his door but the one that was opened was that on the other side. There was a pause and a low laugh rang out.

"Oh, is this fate?" There was another pause while the man sized Nilgu up. "Do you want to speak a last prayer?" His voice sounded almost gentle as if he really was concerned that Nilgu might be unhappy if he died without that opportunity.

Nilgu looked up at the man whose face was hidden behind a vizor but he didn't speak up. In any case, he had already made his peace. It didn't matter whether he was killed or lived. Maybe not having to see the temple fall completely was also a type of mercy. He could pretend that after this, the temple would miraculously recover from the brink of extinction and rise to its peak once more. It would be a pity that he couldn't see it happen but at the very least, there would be hope.

The man gave a long-drawn hum when he didn't get an answer. "If you don't want to, you don't have to. Although I can't deny that I am a little disappointed. Is your faith really this weak? Why join the temple then?" A hint of genuine anger could be detected from his voice and he finally stepped over the doorstep and pulled out his weapon.

On the other side of the corridor, Mu So tightened his grip on his own dagger and cursed under his breath. He had prepared his own room so it was best suited for receiving this unwelcome best but he hadn't thought of doing anything for the room of the priest. Who could have known that this guy would get the wrong one?

He sighed but then soundlessly opened the door. In any case, for giving him shelter, food, and a warning so he could save his little life, this priest also deserved some help. He sneaked over to the other room and peeked around the door that had been left open.

The priest was still sitting at the edge of the bed, his head held high, and not even a sliver of fear in his eyes as he faced down a man in armor. It was as if the sword that was being held to his throat did not exist at all. Mu So's brows shot up.

This was what faith could make a person become. He wasn't one of those priests that would just prattle on about their belief. No, this person had pure faith in his god and even if he needed to die for that conviction, he would do so. It was stupid. But also a bit admirable. Even though he had refused that last prayer, nobody could say that he did not take his belief seriously.

Mu So shook his head. No matter what, he shouldn't have to die for this. He rushed out, wrapping one arm around the neck of the man while striking at his chest with the dagger. The man staggered and the two of them fell to the ground. Mu So gritted his teeth when the man's whole weight crashed down on him and he threw an angry glare at the priest.

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