Is love real?

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hey I have been wondering if love is real. What is love? For me I think love is a million things. Like for example, a boy calling a girl beautiful instead of hot, it shows that he really loves her because I feel that boys who don't really feel much for a girl would call them hot but if a boy calls a girl beautiful, pretty , gorgeous , my fav girl it means a lot. Most of us would love our best friends in school or our crushes but the thing is do they love us back? when they say they love us is it true ? we will never know. Nowadays I feel like my best friends don't love me much. We are a group of 4 and let's call my other 3 friends , E,Y,H basically their initials. Y is my favourite out of the group but I don't talk to her much anymore as Y and E are now in the same class and I'm not. They have been getting really close and they call each other everyday for hours. And for H I decided to try getting close with her as we are in the same class and it's going good between me and H but her favourite is E however we are both having the same problem which is, " are we still their favourite?". H doesn't really like me much like out of kiss marry kill for me ,Y and E she would choose to kill me. So I guess I'm no one's favourite in the group . But I should learn to accept that anyways it's my last year with them . I usually have been calling and playing games with this guy J and he used to be E crush but not anymore. I don't like him as a crush but I love him as a friend. Honestly it's probably cause he makes me laugh a lot and we always try finding time for each other to play games and call. He kinda makes my day better. I also have this friend, let's call her A I can know that she is probably the only best friend that loves me for real. We known each other for 7 years. She is basically my non biological sister and her siblings are also mine. We love each other and she always make me laugh until I fall to the floor and my stomach is so damn pain . We seldom see each other as now I'm having my end year exams and she is busy with her work. I think for both of us this love as best friends is real. But for others that are my friends.. i don't know if it is real with them. Obviously I love them but I'm starting to not. I don't know why I just feel like I'm not included much inside anymore. I used to like a guy . Let's call him R. Basically I confessed to him because I liked or should I say loved him for 3 years since we first sat together. He said he liked me back and we got together. I broke up with him last year as he was getting really dry with me and I lost all my love for him. However I don't know why but this year I liked him again for a short period. It was probably because of the memories. I used to scroll through our old texts and cry to them as we didn't have such a strong bond unlike last time. However now we are close friends and I now know that he only said he "liked" me back because he was curious of how love was like. I guess we were both curious about the same thing. But now I'm happy it's over and we are just friends. Love is confusing. It's just weird sometimes. People might do confusing things to show that they love you but you might think they don't. So is love even real? How does love feel like?
the end .

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