Chapter 3

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I'm brushing my teeth and can't help but think back to when Ryujin went out of her way to remind me of our promise as we said our goodbyes at the party. It's making me smile, though it also makes me nervous about what's to come.

"Yeji, hurry up! You have a lot of explaining to do!" Lia yells from my bedroom.

I check the time on my phone because I swear I've been doing my nighttime routine for a completely acceptable amount of time.

Wow. I guess I haven't. I've been in the bathroom for a very long time. I think I actually brushed my teeth for ten minutes. Did I really zone out that much, fantasizing about Ryujin?

Damn, Lia is more patient than I give her credit for.

"I'm sorry; I zoned out a bit! I'll try to be as fast as I can!" I yell back apologetically while rushing through the rest of my routine.


"Took you long enough," Lia comments and glares at me while lying on the mattress she'll be sleeping on.

"Hey! I already apologized," I huff and cross my arms.

"Fine, fine. Just sit down so I can interrogate you," she says, pointing at my bed.

I pout and begrudgingly make my way to my bed, arms still crossed. I probably look like a sulky toddler.

Lia scrutinizes me for a moment, then rolls her eyes at my behavior. Her lips soon form a smirk. "You like Ryujin," she states. "You're the one who wrote the only 'Yes' paper she got."

I knew this would come up, and Lia is not one to beat around the bush, especially not with me. Yet, it still surprises me when she says something so bluntly. But despite my slight surprise, I don't flinch. I simply avert my eyes from hers and pout even harder.

"Oh, come on, Yeji. Say something," she urges. "I've known you like Ryujin for a long time, it's so obvious to me as your bestie. Why haven't you told me yourself?" she asks, frowning slightly.

I sigh, "Sorry..."

"Yeji, I'm not mad. Just curious about why," she notes, softening her expression.

I close my eyes and sigh. "I'm honestly not sure. Maybe because I knew you already knew. Or maybe I didn't want to admit it to you because it would make it more real, and you'd probably tease me about her. That would result in more hurt since I know it's never going to happen. One, because of my... anxiety and my other issues with maintaining relationships," I say, chewing my bottom lip nervously because I don't feel too comfortable when I have to be vulnerable and talk about my feelings while simultaneously returning my eyes to meet hers.

"Two... because she's fucking straight," I continue and clench my jaw.

I widen my eyes and add "I don't think there's anything wrong with being straight, don't get me wrong. It's just that she is, and I like her, so I'm obviously not."

Lia just bursts into laughter, almost gasping for breath.

She catches her breath for a moment before saying, "Relax. I got it. You don't need to get defensive with me," then she smiles with her eyes making me smile. It's contagious.

"I understand now why you didn't tell me. But I can't promise that I won't tease you. Do you know how hard it's been to keep all of my teases inside?" She overacts her distress.

"I've been waiting for you to tell me so we can talk about it. I wanted you to initiate it, but I couldn't take it anymore after you basically confessed through that game. Plus we need to talk about how you two ended up hiding behind the stairs together!" Lia exclaims with big eyes.

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