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I need to share some news as I'll be taking a temporary leave. This isn't related to the fanfic but rather a personal matter.

I'll be away for around 8 months, I won't go into the details, but I want you all to understand that there won't be any new chapters coming soon.

Please, in the meantime, enjoy other fanfics and find happiness in them. I genuinely appreciate all your support and love.

This section of the chapter will be deleted once resolved.

Ding! The familiar chime of the elevator announced its arrival, and the doors slid open to reveal a bustling crowd. Today marked the busiest day the building had seen in a while, with people packed together like a mosh pit at a concert. Amidst this sea of people were Kai and Duke, two figures who hadn't laid eyes on each other in a month, their interactions reduced to texts and calls.

Kai, dressed in a crisp suit and tie, was an unusual sight for those who knew him. He wasn't particularly fond of looking formal, but today held a significant meeting that he couldn't afford to miss.

As Kai was about to press the button for his floor, the elevator seemed to be called from somewhere else. He placed his hands behind his back and patiently waited. The doors soon slid open, revealing Duke on the other side. A warm smile spread across Duke's face as he spotted Kai, and he stepped inside.

"What a coincidence that we both ended up here," Duke remarked, positioning himself beside Kai.

Kai wrapped his arms around Duke in a tight hug, and Duke reciprocated warmly. "I missed you"

His hand slid up Kai's neck. "And you want to know what I missed the most?" Duke whispered, his voice laced with desire. "That nice ass and mouth you got."

Kai couldn't deny his own longing for Duke, but here, in an elevator? He was a bit crazy for being so forward in public.

"Duke, come on... We'll get seen. There's even a security camera right there!" Kai protested as Duke pressed him against the elevator wall.

"Then they'll be seeing how much you love this dick" Duke countered with a grin before sealing his words with a passionate kiss. Their bodies pressed against each other.

Duke's hands roamed over Kai's body, eager to undress him right there and then. But Kai prevented it.

Instead, Duke shifted his attention to Kai's neck, planting kisses that quickly turned into fervent sucking. He savored the taste of Kai.

Kai couldn't contain the soft moans that escaped his lips. Duke's firm grasp on Kai's ass guided him back to his mouth, their kisses deepening with desire.

"I've been waiting for so long," Duke whispered between kisses, his words punctuated by their shared breaths. "Every time I jerk off, it's always because of you."

The elevator chimed, signaling their arrival at a new floor. Duke backed off from Kai and stood beside him, a sea of people flooding into the elevator and pushing them toward the back.

Kai found himself in a corner, Duke standing right beside him, their arms brushing against each other. Duke discreetly surveyed the crowd, noticing that everyone seemed engrossed in their phones or staring at the elevator door.

Duke's hand gradually ventured to Kai's pelvis, his fingers gently tracing a path toward his crotch. He could feel Kai's member, eager and pleading for his touch, so he slid his hand inside, starting to tease him with short strokes.

Duke shielded their intimate moment from prying eyes, ensuring that the people beside them remained oblivious to their passionate encounter.

Kai's hand found its way to his mouth, effectively muffling the moans that threatened to escape his lips. Duke, ever the discreet lover, hushed him and playfully allowed Kai's tip to peek out of his pants.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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