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Her second alarm went off. Flipping the covers off she got up and went into the bathroom. Immediately going through her routine of hair and then makeup.
"Momma?" She said walking into the bedroom.
"Sausage?" She picked her up. "What are you doing up?"
"I'm just so excited I couldn't sleep."
"Do you need me to get you some clothes picked out?"
"No, I can do it myself."
"Ok, off you pop." She said as she set her down, and the little one ran off down the hall. The echoing sound of her phone dinging startled her a bit. She glanced at the screen, it was from Ted. "Breakfast in your office, boss." She smiled and replied. "Thank you, Ted."
Rebecca put on an olive-colored suit with a neon pink button-up underneath. Grabbing a pair of pink heels she checked on her daughter.
"How are you doing, G?"
"Good mumma." She said turning around to face her.  She wore a neon pink blazer with a white button-up tucked into her black pants with flats on. "Do you like it?" She said.
"I love it." She said with a smile.
They both walked downstairs. Rebecca put her heels on, and they went out the door to the car waiting in front of the house. The little girl hit the button for the door, it opened and she got in along with Rebecca.

The car pulled into the club's parking lot, and the driver got out and opened the door for them. They both got out and Rebecca took Lila's hand. They went through the door and made their way to the main hallway.
"Hi, Roy." The little girl said.
"Hi, Goldy." The little girl ran up to Jamie while Roy and Rebecca were talking.
"Did you dress her today?"
"No, she did it herself."
"You're lying."
"I'm not."
"I'll see you later boss." He said walking away. She walked over to Jamie holding Goldy.
"Are you ready to go eat some breakfast?" Rebecca asked her. Jamie put her down.
"I'll see you later, G."
"Bye, Jamie." She said walking away with her mom. The pair walked up the stairs to her office.
"Daddy." She said as soon as Rebecca opened the door.
"Hey, baby girl."  He said picking her up. "How bout some breakfast?"
"Yes please." Rebecca said.
"Bec, I made you some tea. It is the kettle. G, I made you a plate already." He said grabbing the plate and putting the little girl down on the couch.
"Thanks, Daddy."
"You are very welcome." Both adults grabbed what they wanted and sat by their daughter.
"Did mom dress you today?" Ted said.
"No, I did it myself."
"Well, good job."
"You like it?"
"I love it." He said smiling at her.
"What time is Henry's flight getting in tomorrow?"
"I think it's around one if everything goes okay."
"Do you want to go and get him together?"
"Sure, that would be awesome."
"I think this is the best pot of tea you have made."
"I'm glad you like it."
"Thank you." He nodded with a smile.
"I better get going, tough practice today for the match tomorrow." he said getting up from the couch.
"I'll see you later, babe." She said as he walked away.
"Mumma, I'm done."
"Okay, throw your plate in the garbage." She went and threw it in the garbage. Rebecca checked her watch. "Would you like to be on a meeting with me?" She asked getting up from the couch.
Rebecca sat down and got the meeting up on her computer.
"G, come on." She said, waving her over. She picked her up and sat on her lap. The two men from Nike were at the meeting she was waiting for.
"Hello, Paul, and Ashtyn."
"Hello Rebecca, do we have a visitor today?"
"We do. This is my daughter, Goldy."
"I think the last time I saw her was when she was a baby."
"Has it really been that long?"
"Boys, what kits did you want to present to me?" She asked.
"Well, we have five for you to pick from." He showed them on screen.
"I like four of them. Maybe we get rid of the black one?"
"Did you say you wanted four rotations of kits or three?"
"Three, home, away, and then a fun color?"
"I really like the purple one." She said whispering in her ear, Rebecca smiled.
"We will go with the purple one boys."
"Everything looks okay? Like logos and things?"
"I think they look great. How long will these take?"
"A couple of weeks."
"Sounds great, thank you so much."
"See ya, Rebecca, bye Goldy." The little girl waived.
"Do you want to go to the pitch and see Daddy?"
"Yes." The girl got down off of her mother's lap and started to run out the door.
"G, just wait." She said to the girl as she got to the stairs to go down. The little girl ignored her and kept going. Rebecca quickly got up to follow her girl. She went down and out to the pitch. She stood in the tunnel watching Ted carry their little girl while he was coaching the guys. Which made her smile. She continued walking and walked up to Ted.
"Hey, boss."
"Hi, babe."
"How did your meeting go?" He said kissing her on the temple.
"It was good. I can't wait for the boys to see the new kits."
"I'm sure. What do you have going on after this?"
"Nothing." He smiled and nodded. "Why?"
"Just wondering."
"Ill leave you two to finish practice. I'm going to head up to the office to finish up somethings before we leave."
"Okay, Bec."
"I'll meet you in the locker room when youre done." She said walking away.
"Love you, mommy."
"Love you too, Goldy."

Eleven thirty on the dot she walked down to the locker room. She met Ted, Beard, and Goldy in the coaches office.
"Are you guys ready?"
"Yeah, Beard are you good with taking G?"
"Yeah, Jane loves having her."
"Alright, Goldy, I love you." Ted said hugging her.
"G, be good for uncle beard and Jane, okay?"
"I will momma." Rebecca hugged and kissed her. She turned to Ted, took his hand and they went out to the car.
"Where are we going?" She asked getting into the car.
"It's a secret."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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