Chapter 1. The Pooffy Pebs' First Day Of School Ruined By A Scary Teacher.

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"SALT AIRRRRRR" I scream at the top of my lungs . "AND THE DUST ON YOUR FLOOR" yara tries to complete the lyrics but fails of course . We're on the way to school on the first day together because I cried and died Infront of my parents to convince them to let yara pick me up for school so that we could walk in together and look so cool. "I Cant believe we're already in 13th grade!" i tell YARA as I look out the window dramatically with 'August' by Taylor Swift playing from the car radio on blast making Jaweed hate us even more than he already does. "Yeah we thought senior year was bad watch how 'Death super senior' year is gonna be" YARA said as she starts to dramatically look out the window into the land of sand with me . "We are finally 'death super seniors'" .

We arrived to school but stood outside for a few minutes trying to calm ourselves down and look cooler than we already do "OKAY WE NEED TO GO SEE THE GANG " I finally said with excitement ready to see the gang bangers. Me and YARA held hands and skipped into school While singing a combination of Taylor swift and Hamilton because of course we are so cool as I've already mentioned. As we were skipping and singing happily we bumped into ... Mrs. Pus . We screamed when we realized who we bumped into .. backstory of Mrs. Pus ,she hates everyone and there was a rumor that she's a furry demon and was seen by students as she was dressed as a blue fox furry hokding a traffic light with cat ears on it in the science lab doing something that looked like black magic. The next day people who went to the science lab found dead frogs on the floor. 

We fell to the floor after we screamed in hopes that she wouldn't see us because if we can't see her she can't see us . We crawled away and we never looked back then. We kept crawling till we couldn't hear her loud ass footsteps anymore and while we were crawling we bumped into more people !bruh!! then we got up and guess who we saw .. LEENY AND ARIELS!,! WOOWOOO "OMG LEEN AND ARIEL" I screamed ."AAAAA" YARA screamed. "Oh my gosh!!!*" Ariel said . Me and yar got up and group hugged the love birds ."I MISSED YOU GUYS" LEEN SCREAMED  AAAA Ariel scream,s zesty like "AAAAAAA i. I missed you gaysssss" "We have so much to say!"
"Just like ..why you were on the floor?" Leen asked.
Yara gets up but trips over dana then dana gets up but falls over yara while doing a bad cartwheel  "We're running away from the furry demon Mrs Pus."  Ariel talks "I heard about her she's so super duper scary *shivers*
"I heard she is married to a traffic light and puts cat ears on it" Leen says in fear.
Everyone looks at Leen in fear and looks around and Up and down and then I see Mrs. Pus emerging from the corridor once more ! I scream and point to her while the others realize what I'm screaming about then scream with me then we all scream and run ! 

AS WE CAN UNTIL WE REACH OUTSIDE AND I BUMPED INTO ANOTHER PERSON !!! we all fell to the floor in unison bc we're so cute like that but I fell on my face and stayed on the floor for a bit till I heard a hot voice go "Oh my days!! Are you okay!?" I sit up to see a sexy man reach out his hand to me for help and I go "oh- Oh yes I'm okay- I'm im I'm" I was stuttering while reaching for his hand .He helped me up and i just kept staring at him without saying a word ."OH MY GOSHH QQQQ!" Ariel says as soon they got up from being on the floor and runs to hug him .Q ? THATS Q! i know him ,he's the one who always sends gay and my little pony memes on the dead group chat  . I never saw or spoke with him much and never expected him to be in our school and I never knew he was this DAMN FINE! .
"Q I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE IN THIS SCHOOL WHAT THE HECKS!" Yara screems and hugs Q. "You dingus you were supposed to come and surprise us" Leen said while walking to hug him over yaras hug "I was in the process of doing that until I saw four people running straight at me like they were being chased by a serial killer" "Oh oops" Leen shamefully says! "Well we were running away from the very scary Mrs. Pus" i said in fear then looked both ways which made Leen, yara ,and Ariel get scared and look both  ways . "What are you guys talking about?" Q broke the silence. "Oh you'll see Q you'll see." Yara said in a super duper scary voice while staring wide eyed at him. "ANYWAYS Q YOUVE NEVER MET DANA!" says Ariel as they turn and giggle with Yara and Leen mischievously. *tucks hair behind ear and puts hand behind my back "oh hehehe  Yeah hey I'm dana we never really talked *giggles*" "Nice to meet you Dana I'm the letter Q" he reaches his hand out to shake and I stare at his hand.  I'm about to faint

"DANA!?" "DANA !!!" I hear people scream my name
I open my eyes.
When I open my eyes everything is blurry until my vision is focused on ...on... AHHHH ITS  Q HES LOOKING AT ME WHY AM I ON THE FLOOR .
"DANA YOURE ALIVE" Yara screams ,while Leen and Q are helping me up "WHAT HAPPENED? YOU JUST FAINTED" Ariel says "fainted while giggling like a psycho too " Leen says rudely hmph "You should go see the nurse" Q says while putting a hand on my shoulder. "The school nurse is never any help" Ariel says "WELL ITS BETTER THAN NOTHING!" yara yells at Ariel "Q is right let's take you to the nurse" Leen says then wraps their arm around mine and leads me while the others follow, but q is walking next to me. This whole time I wasn't listening to a word they said the moment q put his hand on my shoulder ."wait where are we going ?" I say as I turn to Leen instead of staring at Q. "Dana. The nurse."
Q looks at me and hehes"I guess you hit your head pretty bad" I stare back at him and giggle.
Leen talks "Does fainting and hitting your head make you giggle like a weirdo?"
I look back at Leen "HEY LEEN THATS RUDE wait why are you taking me to the nurse." They sighed and stopped in front of the nurses door. "the FAINT DANA." I remember fainting now. Leen walks me into the nurse room while Q, Ariel ,and Yara wait In front of the door . Leen is explaining my faint to the nurse because he knows I'm way too out of it to know what's going on . The nurse looks at me "Alright dana why not just rest here for now ,and your friends will come back for you soon. Okay?." I look to Leen as if he's my mom , for confirmation "yup we'll be back Danny. You'll get to skip the first class too" he hugged me and the others wave then leave.
I try to lay down and close my eyes for a few minutes until the nurse walks over to me "what nice friends" she sits down "The faint shouldn't be a problem but you might need a little medication" she opens a drawer next to me ,pulls her mask off and takes out a .. giant needle from the drawer AND HER FACE ...IT..  ITS ..ITSSS ...
MRS PUS!!!!!
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I SCREAM AS I GET UP AND PUSH HER CHAIR AND RUN OUT OF THE ROOM INTO THE CORRIDOR . After running for a bit I lay against the wall and take a few breaths until I hear those loud ass footsteps from the next hall then I start running again towards English class where my friends are. I bust open the English classes door and see my friends "DANA?" Leen screamed "ITS MRS PUS!!!" Yara, Leen, And Ariel all collectively scream, get up ,and run out of the class while Q gets up calmly , grabs his things , and runs after us.
We are all running with no destination "WHAT IS THIS THING ABOUT MRS PUS?" Q asks all of us "NO TIME FOR EXPLAINING JUST RUNN" I SCREAM .
We ended up outside in the parking lot. after everyone stops to catch their breath Leen asks "WHAT HAPPENED DANA"
"ITS THE NURSE .. SHEE ... SHES MRS PUS ... AND SHEE * takes a deep breath*.... She's out to get us.. I know it ,she pulled out a huge needle SHE WAS CHASING ME SHE WAS GONNA STAB ME TO DEATH".  "OH MY GOD" yara screams , Leen looks around "We aren't safe here." . "What do we do." Ariel asks in fear. "I don't know what's going on but I do know there's only one thing for us to do!" Q says.
Everyone gasps
"We face the villain!"
Everyone gasps once more .
"BUT HOW DO WE DO THAT!" Yara asks. Leen sighs  "I guess we just have to go find her and oh OH OH GOD THERE SHE IS SHES COMING OUT OF THE SCHOOL DOORS!," EVERYONE SCREAMS "QUICK GUYS GET IN MY CAR" Q points to his car and everyone Immediately runs towards it. Once we get in the car Q speeds and drives out of the school parking lot while we all try to catch our breathes and yara looks out the back window to make sure Mrs Pus. Isn't catching up with us. "Whats our plan!" Ariel asks us all ,and we stay silent not knowing the answer. "Umm" leen ponders. "Not sure really" I look back at them from the passenger seat next to Q *hehe* "I don't know where I'm driving to" Q says. "Aslong as it's far away from that furry demon!" Yara says frightened. Q looks at Ariel through the rearview mirror  "Wasn't our plan to face her ? but then we ended up running away."  "BUT SHE HAS A BIG SCARY NEEDLE SHE WOULDVE STABBED ME! STABBED US!" I yell.  Leen leans between me and Q "We arent prepared for battle."
"B-battle?" Yara stutters "BATTLE?" Ariel yells. Leen leans back to the seat and looks up dramatically "Yes. Battle."

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