The elevator

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Night has taken over the city Yokohama. As the people who walks down the streets could see stars formed in the sky of blackness and city lights taking over Yokohama, the home of Dazai Osamu.

Dazai, the armed detective agency's one of the strongest members was one of the "people" walking under the night sky of yokohama. That man sure was not sober and so was not his ex-partner; Chuuya Nakahara the executive of port mafia, the small adult trying his best to get into Dazai's apartment whitout getting in any trouble. Dazai sure cared about Nakahara, even if he was the one getting the ginger drunk of so many bets and competitions. Dazai was still sober enough to get him and his "ex-" partner safe into his apartment.

"You shitty mackerel! It- it is..! Your fault that I have to sleep next to your stupid.., but awfully sexy ass..!" The smaller male, Nakahara Chuuya were not able to spit the lie, but the truth to come out of his mouth, but it still somehow came out the way Dazai could understand.

Dazai chuckled and he took the small one's hat and rised it higher, but not too high so the smaller could some what reach to the hat.

"You sick bastard! Give it back now! I don't have time for this..!" Chuuya yelled and that gave Dazai the chance to tease Chuuya even more. Dazai was pretenting to place the hat back on Chuuya's head, but nope. He instantly raised the hat even higher at this point.

"Aww chibi so small? You now what my chuu chuu.. You will do as I say and you will get your hat back!" Dazai said. Chuuya was not happy about that, he was flustered over the way he had to obey his boyfriend like a damn dog in the middle of the street.

"damn it.. fine.." The mafia executive looks down and waits till Dazai tells, what he has to do still keeping the hat far from the ground.

"You just have to obey me, this night and you will get, this precious little hat of yours back." Chuuya nods and uses his ability to get to the same height as Dazai so he could reach of his hat. Chuuya grapped the hat and tapped all the Dazai's germs off of it. But then..

"Ouch! What the hell Dazai?!" Chuuya shouted as he fell on the ground rubbing his ass from pain. "Youre going to pay for this!" The ginger stood up and looked at Dazai with his Devilish glare.

"Chuuya calm down.. Let me just take us home now okay? I'm the only sober one here so let's get going.."Chuuya knew Dazai was lying about him being sober. Chuuya knew when Dazai was sober or drunk. But he still has to trust his boyfriend after all, he is right Dazai is the only choice to get home safe. They kept walking Dazai holding Chuuya from his collar like a dog so he would not go to make any trouble.

The two lovers were now walking up stairs to open the main door, so they could feel the cozy warm air and finally get home. Chuuya and Dazai almost, more like always ran upstairs to the 8th floor, but they both knew it was better if the would just use the elevator this time.

"Carefully Chuu Chuu." Dazai cooed to Chuuya just to annoy him, but Chuuya was too drunk to care right now. They went inside the elevator as Dazai pressed the button to the 8th floor. The elevator was lifting up already, but suddently the lights went off and the journey of going upstairs stopped there.

"What the fuck?!" Chuuya shouted as he kicks the elevator wall. Dazai takes a grip of Chuuya tryingto calm him down, and takes our his phone to use phone to light up the room.

"Calm down Chuuya, I know everything will be alright if we just call the emergency and tell what happend... or then..." Dazai blushed as he was about to continue his sentence. "We could commit double suicide here right now chibi!"

Chuuya started choking Dazai. "What the hell man! I aint here to die, also we have a wedding in few months! Just get your shit together man and call the fucking people who are in charge of this! I really need the toilet!!" Well that made Dazai laugh and as if it didn't help the situation at all..

"Owwieee Chuuya has to piss?" Dazai teased him putting his hand in Chuuya's crotch.

"Stop it Osamu! I cannot take this anymore.. I'm going to piss fucking here!" Dazai stared as Chuuya stood butt naked infront of him after he pulled his pants down. Well now Dazai could see and smell the yellow liquid on the damn floor.

"Chibi.. you didn't have to do that! Bad dog! Bad, bad dog!" Dazai pulled Chuuya's pants back up and buckled his belt as he now was just calling the emergency. As soon as Dazai could answer Chuuya took the phone to his own control.

"Now fix this fucking elevator! I need to go home you morons!!" Chuuya pressed the red buttom and fell on the floor and slept there leaving Dazai deal with this proplem. Chuuya is kind of weird when his drunk, but it didn't stop Dazai of taking a new picture of Chibi for "blackmail".

Well the lights went back on and Dazai was never so happy in his life to press a button to get back home, after being stuck in an elevator for about 10 minutes with his drunk boyfriend.

Dazai wasn't so ass hole as you could think of. He took good care of the poor small male. He was bathed and wrapped in warm blankets with Dazai himself. Next to Chuuya was a cup of vanilla cola and a cup of water with pain killers right next to it.

"Stupid chibi" Dazai mumbled as he kissed his boyfriend a small good night in the forehead and continued watching his favorite show, my little pony in low volume.

AN. Idk wtf I am doing anyway there

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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