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Busker walks to the red carpet where people took pictures of him and fans cheering, he approaches the limousine and goes for a ride

The Limousine stops at a music station and busker opens the door to walk out of the limo, he walks inside and a producer with a mask on sets up the audio recording, his name was joe brumm who is Amazed by his music

During his Fame, Busker was known for making music for tv shows and playing music at the streets, his musician career started at age 20 in 1996 and grew popular a couple of years later

Joe brumm plans to create a concert for Busker to play in and have people join in the concert at the wingham festifval in new south wales

"Im going to have my friend and calypso play in the concert" busker informed "great idea" he responded

A day later, bandit plays a guitar and sings in his house

"And no-one seems to be
Answering the phone
Oh Lez come home (Leslie!)
The pinballs need you
Oh Lez come home (Leslie!)

I promise the school-kids won't tease you
Oh Lez come home (Leslie!)
The cops will understand everything
Oh Lez come home (Leslie!)
The casinos are rigged to beat you"

Bluey claps her hands "that's a good song so did you do this when you were young" bluey wondered

"hmm I used to play in a band with your uncles but I was often discouraged by bucky dunston" he said

"Aww that's sad" bluey responded

"Yeah and I started having a job to dig bones in other places and find items that were around before you and I were born" bandit affirmed

Bandit had almost forgotten that a concert is happening so he puts his electric guitar away and goes to stripe's house with chilli and his daughters

"Hey bandit did you hear about the event" stripe asked "yeah I wanted to know if you can go with me" bandit replied

"Yes, hang on I'm going to get my wife" stripe agreed, bandit Drives along with stripe

Calypso starts leaving her school since it hadn't started yet and starts driving indy's mom on the other hand starts singing on a radio

(Tune plays)

"hey hey hey see the dogs walking down the street,

Fall in line just watching all their feet
They don't know where they want to go
But they're walking in time

They got the beat
They got the beat
They got the beat
Yeah, they got the beat"

Calypso arrives to the music station and meets busker and the afghan hound

"Hey calypso" busker said

"Hey busker I came here because of invitation you gave me" calypso spoke

Calypso starts to practice her singing and busker plays a guitar with her but unfortunately, it beaks a string "crikey not again" busker commented

"I don't know about this, it was changed to a different city in new south wales instead of a city in queensland" chilli stated

"The person must've changed it, oh biscuits" bandit replied

They both change their plans for the event and the 3 participants are now ready for tomorrow

A day goes by and they go to the festival at the 10th of january by sunset,

"We're here guys" bandit called as his family got out of the car

busker goes for a walk, he sees a homeless dog and gives him money and makes his wak to the stage to play music

the crowd cheers as busker plays his guitar along with 2 members on stage and then sings

The concert was a success and the band was proud of their performance

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